Friday, January 26, 2018

Fashion Friday {Just call me a Nashie and call it a day!}

As you can see I am a week late in my fashion post. 
Last week got away from me because we had a little sleepover party for R's birthday. What should've been an easy party ended up being a big ordeal. I can't help myself! Even with the smallest, simplest part. I have to add my little touches to make it special. Of course my battery would be dead when it came time to take pictures. All I got was my phone pictures. I was pretty bummed!

I got this tshirt at the ZZ Ward concert this last October! It is by far the best tee shirt I've ever worn. If I could get these type of shirts for whenever I go on tour that would be amazing!

Anyway, on to the Friday festivities!
The hubby is leaving soon and so he decided to whisk me away to Nashville for the weekend!! I have the best hubby in the world. Just sayin!!  Can't wait to do some more exploring there with my little family. Happy Friday everyone!!

Sweater: Forever21, Skirt: Charlotte Russe, Shirt: ZZWard concert Tee, Necklace: Wet Seal, Hat: Forever21


Friday, January 12, 2018

Fashion Friday {Boho Hipster}

I'm going to tell you a fun little fashion story. There once was a girl. She as about 15 she loved everything about fashion and style. She didn't have a lot of money so she tended to wear hand me down clothes. She like to experiment with clothes and be creative in putting things together. One day she felt inspired by her sisters little bright yellow empire dress with little red cherries on it. She paired it with the only jeans she had at the time. Which were paris blue flared jeans I believe. She didn't care about what other people thought about her outfit. She stood out in the crowd with her naturally wavy hair, her knee length yellow dress with the red cherries and her flared jeans. 
Of course there were laughs from people even her boyfriend at the time called her a "banana". But she didn't care she thought she looked good.
Fast forward to present day when it's perfectly acceptable to wear dresses with jeans. In fact it looks much better as an evolved style. So here it is Dress with jeans 2.0

Who's laughing now?

Do you ever got one item of clothing or an accessory and it just changes your life. I've been wanting a black fedora hat so bad ever since my old one shrunk somewhere. But you know how it goes once you want something you can't find it anywhere. That seems to happen to me way too much. Then of course once you are over it then you find it everywhere. This time I got lucky and I found it last minute right before Christmas. I was browsing Forever 21 when I got some alone shopping time and there it was. I thought for sure it would be more money and that I wouldn't be able to buy it. I was wrong! It was a mere $10.90. Score!!! My life felt complete! I will most likely wear it all the time and with everything because it instantly transforms an outfit.

 I added a link to a similar one below. Still under $20 so still a good deal. Happy Friday everyone!!

Fedora Hat


Friday, January 5, 2018

Fashion Friday {Cheers to 2018}

Wow! It's been a fast week and it's already another year. A fresh new start on life. I love fresh starts! I love being organized, purging things I don't need, a clean house. I love setting new goals for myself and pushing hard to accomplish them. 
This year I promised myself less screen time, read more "real" books {hence less screen time}. I really want to develop more content that I enjoy putting out there. I want to live my most authentic life. Which means being honest with what I'm posting on the blog as well as my instagram account. Once my music challenge was over I was struggling with what else to post. I was riding the wave of being consistent with fashion and music. Once I took that break it was hard to get back on the wagon. Kind of like exercising for me. So let's get on this 2018 bandwagon of finishing what we start. 

This year I'm headed to the recording studio for the first time. I'm not sure where that will lead but we will see. I plan on getting my DIY home projects started and finished and blogged for you all to check out. I plan on doing some fun fashion challenges on top of the weekly fashion Friday posts. 
On top of all that adventures. Adventures is a MUST this year. 

I came across a verse this week. I thought it was so encouraging and perfect for me this year and hopefully for you.

Romans 12:6
"Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly. "

We were given gifts. Time to let them shine! 

Sweater: Stylesforless, Leggings: Wetseal, Boots: Belk


Friday, December 29, 2017

Fashion Friday {Adieu 2017}

Since this is the last Fashion Friday of 2017 I thought I would do some reflecting.
While this has been a strange year for the Country it has been an exciting one for me personally. I entered my 30's hopeful and tried my hardest to not think about how my twenties were long gone. I started a new chapter of fulfilling my dreams instead of just dreaming about it. Do you ever get in that rut of those almost new years resolutions. Where you have your good intentions but then just never see them through. That happens to me pretty much every year. This year I knew I was going to do something! I knew I was going to do that expo and just took it step by step. I didn't want to expect anything I just wanted say that I did it. I succeeded in pushing myself to do something.
So that will be new motto for new years resolutions to come.
Just take it step by step!

Thank you all for following along with me for another year. I'm so excited for what 2018 has in store!

Happy New Year!

Top: Target, Jeans: Pacsun, Shoes: Stylesforless


Friday, December 22, 2017

Fashion Friday {Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays}

 I can't say "Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays" without singing the Nsync song in my head. You know you are now too! We are staying home this Christmas instead of traveling to see family. I really enjoy the simplicity of just doing the holidays as a family. No chaos and no stress. I can drink all the egg nog and the only one who will complain is the hubby. Between the Reed family birthdays and christmas I really love sitting on the couch {egg nog in hand} marathoning all the Christmas movies I can take. Once Christmas is over you have no real reason to watch them. 

Our favorite Christmas movies:

1: A Christmas Carol {George C. Scott version}
2:It's a wonderful life
3: Home Alone 1 and 2
4: Elf
5: Four Christmases 

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend and don't stress too much and enjoy the holidays!

Sweater: Forever21, Jeans: H&M, Necklace: Forever21


Friday, December 15, 2017

Fashion Friday {Velvet Obsession}

Is anyone else totally obsessed with velvet these days? I was back in the day and still am. I love that it is it's turn for a comeback! There's really any excuse for wearing velvet especially for the holidays. I love this yellow gold mustard color. It was love as at first sight in the store. 
I've been so busy with the holiday season stuff that I didn't even get a chance to post last week. Yikes! I've also been in potty training season so that's literally been taking all of my focus. I got two weeks to finish the year out strong! At our house it's also birthday palooza! This weekend we are celebrating our little man turning 3! It goes way too fast! Only a couple more years and he will be in school. Then what will I do with my time?

On a side note my music is almost ready to record so I've been planning my trip to the recording studio. Which I'm so excited about it's hard to think about anything else! 

Have a great weekend everyone!


Friday, December 1, 2017

Fashion Friday {Girl Power}

 The last couple months have been at a standstill for me. I was on such a roll with writing music and making progress. Then everything stalled for a bit. I kno[w it's something to probably get used to. It did allow me to focus on being a mom and wife for a bit. Mostly "mom" because the hubby was gone for about six weeks and I had my hands full. But today finally I got back on track with my music. It's like slowing down in a race and everyone is passing you by. Soon enough that second wind kicks in and you're in it to win it! I can't wait to finish this project and see where the next chapter takes me. Hopefully somewhere! 

Happy Friday everyone! 

Top: Ross, Jacket: Windsor, Skirt: Forever21, Boots: Belk, Necklaces: Stylesforless

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