Title: Neon Mirage
Release:February 1998
ISBN: 0-312-01484-8 (Hardcover), 0-533-28548-3 (1991 Paperback), 0-743-49782-1 (2005 Paperback)
Publisher: St. Martin's Press (Hardcover),
Bantam Falcon (1991 Paperback),
iBooks (2005 Paperback)
Kindle |
Paperback |
MP3 Audio CD |
Audio CDs |
Chicago, 1946. Gambling chief James Ragen is shot
right before the eyes of the man hired to protect him: A-1
Detective Agency's Nate Heller. Which mob boss hungry
for Ragen's gambling action has made a fool of Heller:
cold-blooded Capone heir Jake "Greasy Thumb" Guzik
or hotheaded, movie star--handsome Bugsy Siegel?
The answer's not in the mean streets of Chicago, because
the city's mob wars have moved west, to the glitz of
Hollywood and the fabulous--and illicit--potential of a
shabby little desert way station they call Las Vegas . . . .
1989 Shamus Award Nominee, Best P.I. Hardcover