Yeah, that’s Him, uncovered a few centuries after conquering Moslems converted Hagia Sofia to a mosque. There are some glorious mosaics in what is now the museum of Hagia Sophia.
How do you write about Istanbul, one of the greatest and most historic cities on earth? One option would be to take the John Julius Norwich approach, and write a massive three-volume history of Byzantium, though of course that only covered a portion of the city’s history, up until the victorious Ottomans appeared. Since he’s already done that, though, I’ll keep this somewhat more brief.

The Galata Tower, built in 1348 by the Genoans to protect their trade concession provided by the Ottomans, now stands guard over the upscale Beyoglu neighborhood
The city’s glory days, of course, weren’t over. When Sultan Mehmed II captured Constantinople he made it the capital of the new Ottoman Empire; that lasted until November 1, 1922 when the Republicans won the Turkish War of Independence and established the modern Republic of Turkey with its capital at Ankara. So after it’s long reign as capital of Byzantium (or Rome) it had another 469 years, five months, and three days as the capital of a major empire. It will take Washington DC a while to match that nearly 1,600-year record.

The Sea of Marmara, along the southeast coast of Istanbul, with the rocks that just invite you (me) to lied down and read
What do you do with five days in Istanbul? Fortunately, we’ve been here before so we didn’t have to start from scratch. Still, there are things you just have to see when you’re here, starting with Hagia Sophia (“Holy Wisdom”), originally built as the basilica of Constantinople in 537 AD. Do the math – that makes it nearly 1,500 years old. In other words, when St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome was started in the early 16th century, Hagia Sophia was nearly 1,000 years old. We can’t think of a building that’s been in regular use (as opposed to, say, the Pyramids, which are just burial chambers) for anywhere near as long. When we were in Ephesus, we toured the ruins of St. John’s cathedral, built by Emperor Justinian at the same time as Hagia Sophia was being built. That of course, was the ruins of St. John’s, a bunch of rocks strewn about. This place is still standing, still being used, and still stunning.
By way of quick background, after the Ottomans took over they converted the church to a mosque and, sadly, covered over all the gorgeous mosaics. When Ataturk made Turkey into a secular republic, though, he had the mosque “repurposed” as a museum so today it is shared and enjoyed by everyone. And fortunately many of the old Christian mosaics were just covered over by the Moslems and thus have been able to be recovered, at least in part. Simply put it is, even for a second or third time, an amazing site to visit.

Mary and her baby in another of the uncovered mosaics in Hagia Sophia. Amusingly, Byzantine emperors had themselves and their wives seated on either side of these religious figures, showing just how close to God they were.

At one entrance to the church/museum, this glorious mosaic shows Mary and her baby, with Constantine on her right and Justinian (who built the church) on her left
At the same time, part of the joy of traveling there is just hanging out, walking around, and watching people go about their lives. Some of it was fascinating. There’s a shoe-shine scam that we fortunately didn’t fall for. It goes like this: A guy is walking down the street carrying his shoe-shine equipment. He drops something but doesn’t notice it and keeps walking. You call to him, point what he dropped; he’s very grateful and offers to shine your shoes. That’s how far we got, but I wasn’t interested in having my walking shoes shined so we just kept going. The next time Mark was walking alone, though, and a guy “dropped” his brush Mark just ignored it and pretty soon the guy walked back to get it. And again when Mark & I were walking together, same thing. Presumably if you bite, if you let him give you his free shine in gratitude, at the end he hits you up for money and says he never offered it for free. Nice scam.
Some of the street life is truly sad; I’ve never seen so many child beggars or mothers with little babies begging except in India. And the burkhas. Perhaps it doesn’t speak well of me, but I just can’t accept the way conservative Moslems feel women need to be hidden from the rest of the world (or, to be precise, from men). In Turkey you see the whole spectrum of dress, from fully westernized clothes to scarves to full burkhas. I even saw two women whose Burkhas did not include the half-inch eye slit which is typically the most covered you see. Presumably the veil over their eyes was sufficiently translucent that they could see out, but still, your eyes can’t even be seen? Do you think they whisper “What tramps?” when they see women walking around with that half-inch slit so they can see out?

Lest you think Mark’s the only one who gets kitty love, this little cutie climbed up on my lap for some serious petting and playing
Alas, after nearly six weeks it’s time to leave Turkey. We’ll miss a lot of things: olives and yogurt for breakfast, hammams, beaches, ancient ruins, cheap hotels, great food, cheap hotels, easy bus routes. But there are probably more adventures to be had as we head next to Italy for a couple weeks.

The Blue Mosque, another of Istanbul’s landmarks. Because Allah has this thing about shorts, though, we couldn’t go in.

A small piece of the floor mosaic at the Great Palace Mosaic Museum. Other parts weren’t quite this gory.