Maria's Space: August 2017

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Girltrunks Are A Swimming Essential - Swim Suits That Build Confidence

My beautiful daughter over the past two years (Tween years) has become uncomfortable with the changes in her body. I love that she is modest and not trying to show her body off at such a young age. Many young girls see their bodies becoming less childlike and get self conscious shying away from putting on bathing suits. She usually wore one pieces until around 10 1/2 when she wanted a one piece and asked if she could wear the swim trunks her brother had grown out of.  
Back before she was uncomfortable

I always just want her to be comfortable with herself of course and told her yes although I thought, those trunks are obviously for boys and sooooo long. I am so happy we found something made for females that she loves and makes her feel comfortable. 

She loves to swim under water. BUT look how long these trunks are.

What she loved most was that they dried quickly, she felt comfortable and they don't look like swim trunks so if she wants to wear them before we get to the pool, she doesn't look like she is walking around the store with a bathing suit on. It is a total win!

My daughter wears a size 12/14 and I would have thought the 4 would be too big on her but we tightened the waist tie and she loves it!

We love them and will be ordering her another and one for me too!

9/11 Film Charlie Sheen Autographed Poster and Gift Pack #Remember911 @9_11Movie #GIVEAWAY

Many of us remember exactly where we were when the first plane crashed into the North Tower 1 WTC. It was one of the scariest days of my life and I remember every single detail as if it happened yesterday. It plays out in my mind like a movie. Our lives were completely changed and I will never forget it!  I wrote my entire story here in my 9/11 post written on the 4th anniversary of the attack.

9/11 is a movie based on true events of that day about 5 people who were trapped in an elevator of the WTC.

Monday, August 28, 2017

The Number 13 and My Angels

Soooo I have been meaning to write this because it is so odd and finally had a chance to do it.

Before my birthday which was Aug 13, I decided to play Power Ball and Mega Millions. I wanted to play 13 games since it was a large pot of mula.

I headed to the bank to cash a check. The teller counted 13 and headed me my bills. I bills that is weird because I want to play 13 games. When I got to the car and counted it it was 200 more than I should have gotten. The amount of the check was $360 but I was handed $560. I headed back in and handed it back telling her I believe the amount was incorrect and could she please tell me how much the check was for. She counted again and said "13! Nope it is correct."

So I said, "how much was the check she said, $560. I corrected her and said, "I believe it was $360. She told me the machine had read the 3 as a 5 and she was correct but the machine was wrong. UGH...whatever lady.

She counted it again and said, "13! Hmmm..that is weird." I told her it was and that my birthday was the 13th. She said, "Make sure you play that number!"

I headed to the convenience store and asked for $13 games split between Power Ball and Mega Millions. The clerk handed it to me and said, "$13!" I was like "wait, did you just say 13?"

After explaining it to her she said, make sure you play your birthday.

So...I headed out to get gas and called my sister who said "play it! Make sure you play 813. Heading home I called my dad to check in and told him. He also said play it. I was about to turn left up the road which would take me home but at the last minute as he was saying play it, I turned into a store I have never gone in before. It has my son's name in the title. "Dad, let me go, I am going to play the numbers."

I played 813 my birthday and 413 because I had heard 813 four times.

When I got out of the store, there was a traffic jam due to 4 cars that had hit each other on the road I was about to turn up. WHAT?!

Crazy....I only got #4 and #8 on each game but more than that, if I hadn't turned into the store at the least minute I would have been part of that 4 car accident.

Ever since my Grandmother died I have not believed in coincidences. My mother and grandmother had the same birthday. Weird enough that my dad marries a woman with the same birthday as his mom but...Mom died on April 8, 1978 and Grandma died April 8, 1991. 13 years apart???!!! 13. That is my birthday. WEIRD RIGHT!?

Friday, August 25, 2017

Sibling Apologies and My Heart

Road trip from three days ago and her not wanting to be in a picture with him

Handsome and Goddess fight like other siblings. I remember when I was young fighting with my sisters every day but I don't remember it being sooo mean. She is an antagonizer who is free with her hands. She can be full of vinegar and down right rude with a mean fist. I guess this will serve her later in life. Hopefully in a positive way where she will not deal with anyone's BS. BUT right now I really need her to be easier on her brother. He has it hard enough with trying to deal with life. He is autistic and has a hard time understanding because he is very literal. He can be mean as well but in a totally different way.

The argument is usually that he said something to her and she retaliates with a punch, a pinch or a slap. I am DONE with the physicality of their arguments and have tried to explain and tell her why I need her to be more patient with him and less mean as well as he is hurting with words and is not physical so the next time she touches him she will lose her electronics for a week.

Today, there was a punch to his back during their putting the groceries away because he was standing behind her waiting to get into the fridge while she was getting away from the fridge. It was then that I told her she lost everything because she had hit him. She started telling him she was sorry. He turned and said, "Here is the problem! I really don't think you are. I think it is because you are losing your electronics." She tried again and he said, "I don't know! How about you write me a letter telling me why you are sorry and I will consider your apology." I was floored. Who was this kid? He was so logical. She didn't do it right away. She said no and told him she had already tried to apologize. I turned to him and said "it is up to you. If you want to accept her apology I will go with it."

We all went our separate ways. 15 minutes later she came over and said, I wrote something for him and want to share it with him on my Google Share Drive. I said, leave him a text telling him to check his email. She felt foolish and her text stated she was trying to be inconspicuous and wanted him to check his email. He did and together we headed to his computer.

It was adorable and I wish I could share it here. It mostly was that she was sorry. She stated she had tried to tell him she was sorry but she was sorry, so sorry, very sorry, I can't go on about how sorry I am. It included a link to a song and a picture of Mickey Mouse wearing The Cowboys uniform. He is a Cowboy fan. She also mentioned how could you deny a hug from me and then PS..a hug.

I asked him if she knew what she was saying. He said, "she is saying it was wrong and she is sorry".

"OK honey she didn't say she was wrong but what is she saying? The word is used twice.

"Well she used Sorry about 15 times Mommy."

"No not the word sorry, what else did she say?"

"I don't know!"

I turned to her because I knew she knew actually what I was talking about and said, "can you give him a gesture of the word?"

She turned to him and threw out her arms.  He jumped up from his chair and ran to her. They hugged. I could have snapped the picture, my phone was in my hand but they hugged for about 30 seconds. I was ready to cry! He always wants a hug and she denies the hugs every single time.

She knew exactly what he needed to hear and what would make him understand she was sorry. So whether she did it because she wanted her electronics back or because she wanted to it doesn't matter. What matters is that she gave him EXACTLY what HE needed and that was all I need.




The 411 by Maria:

Before Saturday Night Live and Living Color there was the Emmy Award Winning Laugh In. Laugh In won 7 Emmys and more awards and honors over the course of their short existence from 1968-1974.

As a child I didn't always get all the jokes but found it so funny. My parents would watch it and laugh. I loved it. Ruth Buzzi, Joanne Worley, Artie Johnson, Flip Wilson and who didn't love Goldie were just a few of my favorites. Watching it now was interesting. My daughter didn't really understand why it was funny or why it was OK to show smoking on TV. All through the intro and the farewell Dan Rowan smokes. I loved looking at the old sets which are very 60s - 70s, the fashion and the political humor, the catch phrases "sock it to me, you bet your bippy", and "here come de judge" are all there.

Laugh In was constantly battling TV censorship and laid the ground work for some of the humor we see today. If you enjoy classic humor and want to see how far we have come at pushing the envelope OR you were a fan, you need to own this!


Friday, August 18, 2017

Looking for A Hands On Subscription Box That Focuses On Technology? Check Out Creation Crate

Know a parent that is still trying to figure out how to keep their children’s brains engaged and unplugged for a few hours a day? I do. Over the past few weeks I have been limiting once again my kids online time. The spent much of the beginning of their summer vacation playing video games, on the computer, and their Kindle Fire's. I get the draw I really do. There is so much to do online but I believe unplugged play is the best way.  Well guys look no further because Chris Gatbonton who is the Founder & CEO of Creation Crate ( has an idea. Creation Crate is a subscription box service aimed at ages 12 and up, that helps kids learn to build real-world electronics. 

The Creation Crate curriculum focuses on introducing new concepts every month that build on the concepts learned from the months before. The projects are designed to increase in difficulty each month in order to be fluent in the language of technology by the end of the 24 month curriculum. Projects range from building a mood lamp, to a memory game focused on programming, to learning how to input a distance reading from an ultrasonic sensor.

Unlike other technology subscription boxes, Creation Crate uses raw electronic components, offering real-world skills. These boxes are also truly beginner friendly with no previous experience needed. While other boxes teach using intimidating technical lingo, Creation Crate doesn’t. Creation Crate subscriptions start at $30 a month, with available 3, 6 or 12 month packages to choose from.

The 411:

This is a great idea! I love the fact that they are learning something and it falls into their dad's business too. He has been doing electronics for years and programming over the past 4 years so this first crate was interesting. 

When we opened the box we saw that the project was a mood lamp that they would have to program. The site says...

This project will help you build a fun game that challenges your memory recall
of randomly-generated sequences of multi-colored LEDs.
  • 2.1. Using Multiple Inputs and Outputs (I/O, I/O, it’s off to code I go.)
  • 2.2. Randomizing Outputs
  • 2.3. Using Arrays
  • 2.4. Generating Sounds – Frequency Manipulation

So while all of that is interesting, I loved that this was something they could do with their dad.

The box contained everything you need to create a mood lamp.

I loved hearing them talk about the part and for him to explain them to the kids and to be honest I was kinda intimidated by it all. What do I know about electronics. We all learned what a Breadboard is and he showed us how to place the LEDs and jumper wires into the Breadboard. He even showed us a few he has downstairs so it really opened up a dialog where he shared his work with us. It was nice and not something we do ever.

While we haven't programmed it yet (that is next weekend), I can't wait to see how it turns out. It probably could have all been done this past weekend but like I said, we talked more than worked and for our family talking and sharing is something I think is very important.

Creation Crate, thanks for bringing my family together for a few hours.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

College Survival Kit

Last weekend I headed out to a party for one of my favorite people. J means a lot to me. Her mom (T), a long time bestie, past roommate, maid of honor and Goddess' Godmother gave me one of the best days of my life. I watched J come into the world and I will never forget it.

I got the call from her dad that mom was in labor and would be heading to the hospital. It was 5:30ish in the morning and I tried to go back to sleep but got sympathy pains. I  guess it is a best friend thing.

I went online, grabbed directions to the hospital. Walked into the room where J's mom was and told them I was her sister. Mom was in full labor ready for pain meds.  The doctor and nurses came in and told  T she would be pushing. I figured  they would send me out of the room at any time. NOPE...the doctor called me to T's feet area where she showed me the top of J's head. I was right next to the doctor when J came into the world. I even got to help her take her first breath as we rubbed her to make her cry due to a wrapped cord. The home movie is me touching her on the heating lamp table while the nurse cleans her off. I am telling the nurse she has the best job! I loved J from before she was born and that day goes down as one of the very best days of my life.

J is heading to college and I wanted to give her money but more than that, I wanted to give her something fun. I headed to Pinterest and found some ideas for a College Survival Basket. Who wouldn't love this? It was so much fun to put together.

I even put a mini photo album in there with $5 bills on each page. I figured it would be easier for her to go through a big bill but if she took a $5 every day she would have it for two weeks.

I got the print out from Thirty Hand Made Days

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

Unplugged Play Is The Way - The Radio Control Barbie Cruisin Corvette 2017

The 411:

The Barbie Cruisin' Corvette is super sleek and so shiny pink! There is no way to not be in love with the look of this car. It fits two dolls and comes with an easy to use remote control. I usually find remote control anything very hard to control but not this car. I think the two buttons one for forward and the other for back and the tiny steering wheel makes is so easy. It is easy to hold in one hand and use the other to manipulate the controls. 

We have taken it to the deck and used it on the rugs in our home and found it rode great on either. 

Video Sneak Peek

Beautiful Car
Fits two dolls
Easy to use and control
Keeps kids unplugged

Requires 5 AA batteries
No lights or sounds but is this really a negative?

Look for this in my 2017 Holiday Gift Guide. It is a great gift!