I'm so excited to share with you my recent ''Hair-Secret''. You already know how much I love styling my hair with waves, I've tried several different hair tools throughout the years trying to find the one that would make this process faster, easier and of course less damaging to my hair. Well, you know what they say, ''Good things come to those who wait'' and thank goodness I waited for this beauty right here.
Estoy muy emocionada de compartir con ustedes mi reciente "Hair-Secret". Ya saben cuánto me encanta llevar mi cabello con ondas, y con los años he intentado varias herramientas de calor para tratar de encontrar la que haga que este proceso sea más rápido, más fácil y, por supuesto, menos dañino para mi cabello. Ustedes saben el famoso dicho: "Las cosas buenas les llegan a los que esperan" y gracias a Dios esperé por esta belleza.
Dyson sent me my beloved Dyson Airwrap Complete for me to try out and Oh my God I can't express how much I adore this thing. This set is just like its name, ''complete'', all you need to get your hair styled like a pro at home with NO extreme heat, all in one beautiful fancy leather box. It comes with different attachments, barrels to curl or wave your hair and 3 different brushes. This technology works like pure magic, the waves are flawless, so effortlessly beautiful and so fast. My Hair dries and gets styled at the same time, love how convenient it is, in all honesty, this is something that I'd always recommend, it's sooo worth it.
Dyson me envió mi adorado Dyson Airwrap Complete para que lo probara y Oh, Dios mío, no puedo expresar cuánto amo esto. Este set es como su nombre, ''completo'', todo lo que necesitas para hacer tu pelo como un profesional en casa sin calor extremo, todo en una hermosa caja de piel. Viene con diferentes accesorios, barrels para rizar u ondular tu cabello y 3 cepillos diferentes. Esta tecnología funciona como pura magia, las ondas son perfectas, tan bellas y rápidas practicamente sin esfuerzo. Mi cabello se seca y se peina al mismo tiempo, me encanta lo conveniente que es, con toda honestidad, esto es algo que siempre recomendaría, vale la pena.
The fact that you can get multiple styles by using the same tool is amazing, it only takes 5 seconds to change attachments, the round brush is the star for the perfect blowout, in my opinion, gets the ideal amount of hair in one go and the grip is just right, I'd say this one if my favorite along with the air-wrapping barrels.
El hecho de que puedes obtener múltiples estilos usando la misma herramienta es sorprendente, solo toma 5 segundos cambiar los accesorios, el cepillo redondo es la estrella para el secado perfecto, en mi opinión, obtiene la cantidad ideal de cabello de una vez y el agarre es perfecto, diría que este es mi favorito junto con los air-wrapping barrels.
They have other sets for you to choose from They have the Dyson Airwrap Volume + Shape and The Smooth + Control, all depending on your needs and hair-goals of course. What do you think? Have you heard of these before? I'm hooked you guys, this is a keeper and I'm IN for a very long-term relationship. You can get your Dyson Airwrap at Dyson or Ulta, you'll love it!
Tienen otros sets para que elijan. Tienen Dyson Airwrap Volume + Shape y The Smooth + Control, todo dependiendo de tus necesidades y objetivos con tu cabello, por supuesto. ¿Qué piensan? ¿Han oído hablar de esto antes? Estoy enamorada, this is a keeper y tengo toda la intención de que esta sea una larga relación. Pueden obtener su Dyson Airwrap en Dyson o Ulta, ¡les encantará!
This is a post I would have loved to find, and I'm happy to be able to share this with you because it's a beauty lifesaver for me so I'm sure it could be to you too.
Esta es una publicación que me hubiera encantado encontrar, y estoy feliz de poder compartirla con ustedes porque es un beauty ''lifesaver'' para mí, así que estoy segura de que también podría serlo para ustedes.
I absolutely love to have my nails pretty and clean all of the time, but the truth is, it's HARD and VERY high maintenance and... yeah, very expensive too. I'm not that girl that's scheduling nail appointments every 3 weeks, I've always found that to be such a pain in the butt, why? who knows, I just feel like doing something else than paying $90 for my nails you see? So, I've been doing my own nails at home, for ages, and yeah, it's cheap and you can do it whenever you want but girl, I get a mini heart attack each time I see a little chipped nail polish, the-freaking-day-after, it's very frustrating and I honestly was getting pretty tired of the same dynamic when it came to my nails, I also didn't want to spend money on gel nail polishes and the UV lamp and all the tools because, well because I was lazy about it, I'll admit that.
Me encanta tener mis uñas bonitas y limpias todo el tiempo, pero la verdad es que es DIFICIL y de MUY alto mantenimiento y ... sí, muy caro también. No soy esa mujer que programa citas para las uñas cada 3 semanas, siempre he encontrado que es un pain in the butt, ¿por qué? quién sabe, solo preferiría hacer algo más que pagar $90 dólares por mis uñas cada 3 semanas, ¿me entienden? Entonces, he estado haciendo mis propias uñas en casa, durante años, y sí, es barato y puedes hacerlo cuando quieras, pero señores, me dá un mini ataque al corazón cada vez que veo un poco de esmalte de uñas cuarteándose al día siguiente, es muy frustrante y, sinceramente, me estaba cansando bastante de la misma dinámica cuando se trataba de mis uñas, tampoco quería gastar dinero en esmaltes de gel y la lámpara UV y todas las herramientas porque, bueno porque me daba bastante flojera, lo admito.
I recently received a message from ManiMe it's like they somehow knew I was struggling with my nails, it was honestly the best timing ever. ManiMe is non-toxic, cruelty-free gel nails (adhesive/stickers), the coolest thing is they are customized to your exact nail shape and size with 3-D technology, allowing you to get salon-quality nails from your home, and they can last from 10-14 days, just by knowing that I was SOLD
Recientemente recibí un mensaje de ManiMe, como si de alguna manera supieran que estaba luchando con mis uñas, sinceramente, fue el mejor ''timing''. ManiMe son uñas de gel no tóxicas y cruelty-free (adhesivos / stickers), lo mejor es que están personalizadas según la forma y el tamaño exactos de tus uñas con tecnología 3-D, lo que le permite obtener uñas de calidad de salón desde tu hogar, y pueden durar de 10 a 14 días, solo sabiendo yo ya estaba VENDIDA!
They sent over some nail designs for me to try, their Magic Cuticle Pen, their Max Top-coat, and their Mighty Hand Cream.
Me enviaron algunos diseños de uñas para que yo los probara, su ''Magic Cuticle Pen'' para cutículas, su ''Max top-coat'' y su ''Mighty Hand Cream''
Now, let's begin, shall we?
The first step is to wash your hands well, then make sure the cuticles are nice and ready for your mani.
El primer paso es lavarse bien las manos, luego asegurarse de que las cutículas estén luciendo como se debe y estén listas para su mani.
Prep your nails and remove any oil with their prep pad, it will come in your ManiMe kit.
Preparen sus uñas y eliminen el aceite con su ''prep pad'', vendrá en su kit ManiMe.
Now the fun part begins, applying your mani!
¡Ahora comienza la parte divertida, aplicar el mani!
Make sure to leave a tiny little gap between your cuticle and the mani then press and smooth it out, folding the excess over the tip of your nail.
Asegúrense de dejar un pequeño espacio entre la cutícula y el mani, luego presionen y alisen, doblando el exceso sobre la punta de la uña.
File the excess and make sure to file downward only.
Lima el exceso y asegúrate de limar solo hacia abajo.
Repeat and repeat!
I applied their max topcoat for a pretty shine and to make my mani last longer.
Apliqué su ''Max Top-coat'' para obtener un brillo bonito y hacer que mi mani dure más tiempo
...and VOILA!
Isn't this a bomb mani? I can't get over how fast, easy, and freaking convenient this is, no more waiting for anything to dry to keep living your life. Their designs are so gorgeous and you can also find solid colors as well so don't worry they got you!
¿No es esto una chuleria de mani? No puedo superar lo rápido, fácil y conveniente que es esto, no más esperar a que se seque nada para seguir viviendo la vida. Sus diseños son hermosos y también pueden encontrar colores sólidos, ¡así que no se preocupen ellos tienen todo bajo control!
This is the 2nd time I try them, the 1st one I was just going to see if it was really going to work for me, especially for how long, I'm so happy to say they lasted 12 days, and it was because my nails grew so much and I didn't like the look of the growth gap showing.
Esta es la segunda vez que los pruebo, la primera ocasión quería ver si realmente iba a funcionar para mí, especialmente por cuánto tiempo y estoy feliz de decir que duraron 12 días, y fue porque mi uñas crecieron mucho y no me gustó la apariencia del crecimiento.
This is hands-down something I would HIGHLY recommend and encourage you to try. No toxic chemicals, no hard odors, I'm just in love with the concept and how well this product is made. Get $5 OFF your first set of Manis with the code: XOMANDY, you're welcome! 😍
Esto es algo que recomendaría con ojos cerrados, las animo a que lo prueben. Nada de quimicos toxicos ni olores fuertes, estoy enamorada del concepto y de lo bien que está hecho este producto.
What do you guys think? Have you heard of them before? would you try something like this? I'd love to know!
¿Qué piensan ustedes? ¿Han oído hablar de ellos antes? ¿Intentarían algo como esto? Me encantaría saberlo!
Another exciting beauty post! I enjoy these so much.
This time I got the chance to try out a variety of Drunk Elephant's skincare products, if you don't use the brand already, I'm pretty sure you have seen them at Sephora, they are the cutest and most colorful products you'll find in there. They are clean beauty, they are not scented which is something I really like because sometimes the ''perfume'' some skincare products have can irritate your skin without you even knowing, the packaging is beautiful and functional, I really, really love them.
They were kind enough to send me this beautiful package full of their products for me to try and share my experience with you guys. I was actually very surprised by the number of things they sent over and of course the beautiful and very useful travel bag.
I've been using most of the products for several days now, so I think I have a decent knowledge of what these products can do for your skin.
This is the Beste No. 9 Jelly Cleanser it's for all types of skin types (Normal, Oily, Combination, Sensitive), it's also great removing makeup and oiliness, as I mentioned earlier their products are fragrance-free so it's totally non-irritating, non-sensitizing. I actually have been using the cleanser for a year now and I truly love it.
The C-Tango Multivitamin Eye Cream is a rich and restorative eye cream featuring eight peptides, five forms of vitamin c, and cucumber extract for visibly firmer, brighter-looking skin. It helps reduce fine lines, wrinkles, loss of firmness, elasticity, and dryness. I really love how my undereye area looks and feels to the touch, the morning after applying a pump of the cream. I highly recommend this one, they also suggest to store it on the fridge for a cooling treatment. How cool is that?
Let's talk about the T.L.C. Framboos Glycolic Resurfacing Night Serum, it is ''an AHA/BHA night serum that resurfaces congested skin by lifting away dead skin cells to improve skin tone, texture, fine lines, wrinkles, and pores.'' It's for normal, dry, combination, and oily skin types. It's great for Dullness and Uneven Texture, Pores, and Uneven Skin Tone.
You should always read carefully whatever you're applying to your skin for the first time because even though you've never experienced a bad reaction to certain products before, it's something that can totally happen in the future. Your skin can react differently to a product you've been using for years and of course, can react in a bad way in response to new components and ingredients.
Why am I telling you all this? well, because Mandy here was a little too confident about her skin behavior throughout the years so I simply applied all the products, step by step, BUT I didn't take that seriously the fact that they suggest starting LITTLE BY LITTLE with this Serum. They clearly say that ''A slight tingling may be experienced—particularly for the first few days of application. This typically dissipates as your skin becomes adjusted. Start slowly by using every other night.''
I did feel the ''tingling'' sensation but honestly, that's something I've felt with different products before so I expected that. They also suggest applying the product any other day if your skin is sensitive, well I clearly thought mine wasn't and I applied the Serum at night four nights in a row, the first couple of days my skin was GLOWING, simply amazing, and pure perfection if I can say so myself BUT the 4th day was a Sunday, I was having breakfast and I suddenly felt my right cheek itching, itching very bad, I honestly thought that something bit me.
When I saw myself in the mirror Oh lord, my skin was extremely red, irritated, and full of these little bumps, I was freaking out, I thought I had an allergic reaction to something, I read all my skincare products one by one again and I immediately knew that I messed up using the Serum the way I was using it. I cleaned my face, took an antiallergic, and prayed for it to go away. My skin started looking ''normal'' that afternoon but I still felt a little itchy, the bumps were still there so I stopped using the serum for a week and my skin finally went back to normal. I kept using the rest of the products and so far so GOOD. Please just make sure to be cautious and READ EVERYTHING.
The Protini Polypeptide Moisturizer is amazing! It's a protein moisturizer that will help with dryness, dullness, uneven texture, and loss of firmness and elasticity. My skin feels incredible after applying this and the product lasts ages!
One of my favorite products without a doubt is their Virgin Marula Antioxidant Face Oil Oh my God, this thing makes your skin feel like GLORY. ''It's a facial oil rich in critical antioxidants and omega 6 and 9, Virgin Marula Antioxidant Oil Face Oil moisturizes, nurtures, and balances while restoring a youthful glow.'' I simply apply two to three drops evenly to my face, and neck, but they say you can perfectly use it on your chest, hands, cuticles, backs of arms, or any place needing increased moisture without any greasy residue for balanced, glowing, healthy-looking skin. This is a KEEPER and a WINNER to me!
Another one I've been using a lot lately is their Umbra Sheer Physical Daily Defense Broad Spectrum Sunscreen SPF 30 it is ''A sheer physical sunscreen that delivers powerful broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection and aids in the prevention of free radical and oxidative damage.'' I apply it every morning before doing my makeup.
This is their A-Passioni Retinol Cream I still haven't used this one, because after my little situation with the Night Serum I'm being more ''mindful'' especially because it has retinol. They say it's ''A clean, cutting edge formula with one-percent vegan retinol and superfood-rich ingredients to diminish the look of fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage.'' You can apply it night or day but as the Night Serum, they suggest limiting initial use to once or twice a week, gradually increasing frequency to every other night and then every night as tolerated. I think I'll be doing that this week, follow me on my Instagram, I'll be updating you on my stories.
I still have a few more products to try out, I'll be updating you on those as well on my stories. Have you tried the brand before? what's your favorite product? tell me all about your experience in the comments!

I'm so excited about this post because I've been wanting to try these products out for a while now. In case you don't know them already, I'm talking about Kosas makeup, the reason why I wanted to try them out so bad is because they are clean beauty.
Estoy muy emocionada con esta publicación porque llevo un tiempo queriendo probar estos productos. En caso de que aún no los conozcan les hablo de la marca de maquillaje Kosas, la razón por la que quería probarlos es porque son una marca ''clean beauty''.
Their products don't have Parabens, Phthalates, BHA/BHT, Mineral Oil, Propylene Glycol, Polyethylene Glycol, Phenoxyethanol, Petrolatum, Vitamin A, retinoids, or retinoid derivatives they are also egg-free, cruelty-free, and Leaping Bunny certified.
Sus productos no tienen parabenos, ftalatos, BHA / BHT, aceite mineral, propilenglicol, polietilenglicol, fenoxietanol, petrolato, vitamina A, retinoides o derivados de retinoides, también están libres de huevos, cruelty free y con certificación Leaping Bunny.
That was quite something wasn't it? They also are the perfect option for the ''no-makeup'' makeup. I've seen videos and reviews all about how amazing they are and how the skin looks fabulous so I just had to try them myself.
Eso fue sustancioso, verdad? También son la opción perfecta para el "no-makeup" makeup. He visto videos y reviews sobre lo increíbles que son y cómo la piel luce increíble, así que tuve que comprobar eso yo misma.
I received a bunch of them so I'll be sharing with you my experience and what I think about them.
Recibí unos cuantos productos, así que les compartiré mi experiencia y lo que pienso sobre ellos.
First one is the Tinted Face Oil Foundation I selected the Tone 05, it has a light coverage that in all honesty I felt was more than enough at least for my skin, you can add more drops for more coverage if needed, they suggest applying the product with your fingertips and that's exactly what I did, It required a tiny bit of blending but I also used my hands for that and was pretty pleased with the finish.
El primero es el Tinted Face Oil Foundation. Seleccioné el Tone 05, tiene una cobertura ligera que honestamente sentí que era más que suficiente al menos para mi piel, puedes agregar más gotas para una mayor cobertura si es necesario. Sugieren aplicar el producto con la punta de los dedos y eso es exactamente lo que hice, requirió un poco de ''blending'' pero también usé mis manos para eso y quedé bastante satisfecha con el acabado.
I really love that since it's based on oils (a few of them: Avocado oil, Jojoba seed oil, and Raspberry seed oil.) the consistency is very easy to work with and the finish is very VERY glowy, healthy and dewy. My skin is a combination but it leans more towards the oily side of things so it was looking too oily for my taste, if you have oily skin I recommend to use a good setting powder to tone down the glow a bit unless you're looking for that type of healthy wet look. Overall I really loved the product and it's something that I would definitely keep on using.
Realmente me encanta porque está hecho a base de aceites (aceite de aguacate, aceite de semilla de jojoba y aceite de semilla de frambuesa). La consistencia es muy fácil de trabajar y el acabado es MUY brillante, saludable y húmedo. Mi piel es una combinación de normal a grasa, pero se inclina más hacia el lado graso, por lo que se veía demasiado ''oily'' para mi gusto, si tienes piel grasa, recomiendo usar un buen polvo para atenuar un poco el brillo a menos que estés buscando ese tipo de aspecto saludable y ''wet''. En general, realmente me encantó el producto y es algo que definitivamente seguiría usando.
The Revealer Concealer Super Creamy + Brightening Concealer is a WINNER guys, this buddy is simply amazing. It has a very creamy consistency and on their website, they say it's medium coverage but I think it would definitely be full coverage for me. With just a single stroke it managed to conceal PERFECTLY my dark circles and completely brighten them as well, I was truly impressed, which means that it should last me a long time since it required a very minimum amount of product to have everything set and done. This one is a #MUSTHAVE without a doubt.
El Revealer Concealer Super Creamy + Brightening Concealer es un EXITO señores, este amigo es simplemente increíble. Tiene una consistencia muy cremosa y en su sitio web dicen que es de cobertura media, pero creo que definitivamente sería una cobertura completa para mí. Con solo un poco logró ocultar PERFECTAMENTE mis ojeras y también iluminarlas por completo, me quedé realmente impresionada, lo que significa que debería durarme mucho tiempo, ya que requería una cantidad mínima de producto para tener todo ''ready to go''. Este es un #MUSTHAVE sin duda.
The Sun Show Moisturizing Baked Bronzer is their new baby and Oh how I love this bronzer! The shade is flawless, it goes beautifully well with my skin tone is VERY pigmented a tiny bit goes a long way and it also blends amazingly well with the oily based and creamy products I mentioned earlier. This feels like getting instantly sun-kissed.
El Sun Show Moisturizing Baked Bronzer es su nuevo bebé y ¡Oh, cómo amo este bronceador! El tono es impecable, combina muy bien con el tono de mi piel, es MUY pigmentado, y combina muy bien con los productos aceitosos y cremosos que mencioné anteriormente. Esto se siente como estár automaticante ''sun-kissed''.
Their Kosasport LipFuel Hyaluronic Lip Balm is a very interesting product starting with the design itself. It's ''An ultra-hydrating, hyaluronic lip balm delivering advanced lip care powered by active botanicals'' it's something you can perfectly use on the go to keep your lips very moisturized and looking glowy and healthy. It's perfect to apply at night before going to sleep for a deep hydrating situation if you will.
Su Kosasport LipFuel Hyaluronic Lip Balm es un producto muy interesante que comienza por el diseño en sí. Es "un bálsamo labial hialurónico ultra hidratante que brinda un cuidado avanzado de los labios impulsado por productos botánicos activos". Es algo que puede usar perfectamente sobre la marcha para mantener tus labios muy hidratados y con un aspecto brillante y saludable. Es perfecto para aplicar por la noche antes de ir a dormir para una hidratación profunda.
The Color & Light: Crème Cream Blush & Highlighter Duo is one of my favorites without a doubt, I'm personally a big fan of creamy products, I find them very convenient and so easy to work with, I love the natural finish and how great it blends with my skin.
El Color & Light: Crème Cream Blush & Highlighter Duo es uno de mis favoritos sin duda, personalmente soy una fiel admiradora de los productos cremosos, los encuentro muy convenientes y fáciles de usar, me encanta el acabado natural y cómo combina con mi piel.
The Vegas Weightless Lip Color is gorgeous, I'm personally a die-hard fan of neutrals and nudes, earthy tones are definitely my comfort zone, I think 98% of my lip products are neutrals so this was just right up my alley. It's very moisturizing, creamy, and very rich, it also has a very natural-healthy glossy finish. This is such a versatile shade you can wear it with pretty much any look, this is a #MUSTHAVE as well.
El Vegas Weightless Lip Color es precioso, personalmente soy un fanática de los tonos neutros y ''nudes'', los tonos tierra son definitivamente mi zona de confort, creo que el 98% de mis productos para los labios son en estas tonalidades, así que esto me va perfecto. Es muy hidratante, cremoso y muy rico, también tiene un acabado brillante muy natural y saludable. Este es un tono muy versátil que pueden usarlo con casi cualquier look, también es definitivamente un #MUSTHAVE.
For the glossy lips lovers here are two amazing options: Jellyfish Wet Lip Oil Gloss and Malibu Wet Lip Oil Gloss.
Para los amantes de los labios brillantes, aquí hay dos opciones increíbles: Jellyfish Wet Lip Oil Gloss y Malibu Wet Lip Oil Gloss.
Jellyfish is an almost clear natural glow, their formula is very hydrating, they say it's a ''hybrid treatment and gloss packed with peptides that plump and hydrate.'' Even though I pretty much don't wear anything glossy, there was something about their products that really made me want to give them a try, this one paired with their Vegas Weightless Lip Color looks incredible, they are NOT sticky AT ALL, love them so much for that!
Jellyfish es un gloss casi transparente de apariencia muy natural, su fórmula es muy hidratante, dicen que es un "tratamiento híbrido y lleno de péptidos que hacen que tus labios luzcan más grandes e hidratados". Aunque prácticamente no uso nada en ''gloss'', había algo sobre estos productos que realmente me dieron ganas de probarlos, este combinado con Vegas Weightless Lip Color se ve increíble, NO son pegajosos en absoluto, ¡los amo tanto por eso!
Malibu is of course, the same formula but in a very cute Barbie pink, it would look amazing in lighter skin tones without a doubt.
Malibu es, por supuesto, la misma fórmula, pero en un rosa muy lindo tipo Barbie, sin duda se vería increíble en tonos de piel más claros.
Last but not least I got their 10-Second Liquid Eyeshadow in Supreme and Cool lavender, these are so much fun, so easy to use, they blend beautifully and leave the perfect amount of ''something'' and glitter, they are very subtle but you can definitely build them up as you apply more coats. It's a clean, water-based, and very fast-drying, crease-resistant formula, it lasted all day, beautifully and looking fresh. If you're going towards natural finishes when it comes to doing your eyes this is such an amazing option for you to consider.
Por último, pero no menos importante, obtuve su 10-Second Liquid Eyeshadow en Supreme y Cool lavender son muy divertidas, fáciles de usar, se mezclan maravillosamente y dejan la cantidad perfecta de brillo, son muy sutiles pero definitivamente puedes irlas construyendo a medida que apliques más capas. Es una fórmula limpia, a base de agua y de secado muy rápido, resistente a las arrugas, duró todo el día, hermosa y con un aspecto fresco. Si se inclinan por acabados naturales cuando se trata de hacer sus ojos, esta es una opción increíble para que consideren.
Have you tried these products before? What do you think of them and what are your favorites?

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