February 2008 - Travel is my favorite Sport

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My 1st Question!! from MIZZIE
5:42 AM

My 1st Question!! from MIZZIE

Mizzie asked whether Mak is in sg? the answer is YES!! whahahahahahahaha whahahahahahahaha
My 1st Question!! from MIZZIE Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 5:42 AM Rating: 5 Mizzie asked whether Mak is in sg? the answer is YES!! whahahahahahahaha whahahahahahahaha
guess who stop by with my extra early pre-21 bday???
5:42 AM

guess who stop by with my extra early pre-21 bday???

Today is very fullfilling i guess!! i caught up with CHYI!! super kek tio that she didnt spend anything in SG!! must be the taiwan freakin...
guess who stop by with my extra early pre-21 bday??? Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 5:42 AM Rating: 5 Today is very fullfilling i guess!! i caught up with CHYI!! super kek tio that she didnt spend anything in SG!! must be the taiwan freakin...
La Viva Spanish Bar and Tapas - Chijmes Singapore
7:03 AM

La Viva Spanish Bar and Tapas - Chijmes Singapore

La Viva's Menu 2 jugs of Sangria Meatballs Deep Fried Mashed Potato Prawn Seafood Paella potato & chorizo Honey Mustard Chicken Egg ...
La Viva Spanish Bar and Tapas - Chijmes Singapore Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 7:03 AM Rating: 5 La Viva's Menu 2 jugs of Sangria Meatballs Deep Fried Mashed Potato Prawn Seafood Paella potato & chorizo Honey Mustard Chicken Egg ...
Question and Answer!
6:57 AM

Question and Answer!

Q & A! is my new blog entries pattern of the yr 2008!! any guest can email me or leave it in the CBOX any question for me!! i shall repl...
Question and Answer! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 6:57 AM Rating: 5 Q & A! is my new blog entries pattern of the yr 2008!! any guest can email me or leave it in the CBOX any question for me!! i shall repl...
real life
7:16 AM

real life

Are u ready for the new movie made in singapore!! the Leap years! starring PAULA MALAI ALI! so glad that!! not only wuzun is dominating our ...
real life Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 7:16 AM Rating: 5 Are u ready for the new movie made in singapore!! the Leap years! starring PAULA MALAI ALI! so glad that!! not only wuzun is dominating our ...
WII chinese new year!!
2:36 AM

WII chinese new year!!

i had been mentioning nintendo wii for almost half a year!!! i finally got it.... match my lcd somemore!! also courtesy of dad!! LOL!! lovin...
WII chinese new year!! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 2:36 AM Rating: 5 i had been mentioning nintendo wii for almost half a year!!! i finally got it.... match my lcd somemore!! also courtesy of dad!! LOL!! lovin...
chinese new year belum habis!
6:02 AM

chinese new year belum habis!

today i received a CNY greeting card from KSP, additional kaki bosae and of coz CHYI! lol i didnt expected it... but also would like to gree...
chinese new year belum habis! Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 6:02 AM Rating: 5 today i received a CNY greeting card from KSP, additional kaki bosae and of coz CHYI! lol i didnt expected it... but also would like to gree...
10:56 PM


finally, my first chinese new year in singapore. yeah! will be refrained from FIRE works explosion and fire cracking all nite long this year...
TahunBaruCina Reviewed by Mak Sin Wee on 10:56 PM Rating: 5 finally, my first chinese new year in singapore. yeah! will be refrained from FIRE works explosion and fire cracking all nite long this year...