The Cast Members of 1983 had a lot on their mind, health, transportation, even marriage! The humor and good spirit that we all know and love as a part of the interaction with Cast Members shines through, even in their own publication. These resolutions come from the January 13, 1983 Eyes & Ears, and for each page we’ll move clockwise through the resolutions, starting in the top left corner.

Olester Duncan, a Custodial Host at Epcot Center, “…to get married by June. I already have my eye on someone.”
Sue Hoke, who works in Professional Staffing as a receptionist, starts exercise classes this week. She plans to “get in better shape!”
Ken Harris from Security plans to “eat better and feel better.”

Matt Zettler, Polynesian Lodging, plans “to have a Mercedez Benz sometime this year.”
Randy Cueller, a locksmith, is planning to buy a new car… an Alfa.
Isabel Minier, a Sales Hostess on Main Street, wants to become a millionaire. She says she would also like to become a stronger person in the new year.
Several of the workers from the Stage Door CafĂ© in The Center made “weight watchers” New Year’s Resolutions. Bonnie French is going to “eat nothing but diet food.” Deloris Ginn says, “I’m going to lose 50 pounds and look just like Diana Ross.” Dorthy Fryer plans to lose 25 pounds.
“I don’t make resolutions, I just break them!” says Pam Lue Pann, a PBX Operator.
Now, on to this year’s resolutions!
Roundtable Topic: What is your Disney Resolution?
Roundtable Guests: Matthew Sedlar (
Trace – [My Disney Resolution is] to run the WDW and Disneyland half marathons in 2010.
Greg – Resolutions. I am resolved to not make resolutions in 2010. Okay, that isn’t really my resolution. I do have a few and here they are.
1) I am resolved to be more consistent in writing and posting to my blog. Let’s face it, 57 posts in a year is pretty lame. But to be more consistent will mean adding some non-Disney content. I hope my readers don’t mind.
2) I am resolved to lose a minimum of 2 pounds per month and perhaps partake in a little exercise. At my age I can’t hope to develop a six-pack, but maybe I can look a little better for the WDW Cruise in February 2011.
3) I am resolved to perhaps get back on a podcast – someday, somewhere, somehow.
4) I am resolved to begin reading The Everyman’s Library “Essential 100”.
5) I am resolved to visit the parks with a certain friend from western North Carolina.
Matthew – My resolution is to finish the Walt Disney World Marathon in less than five hours. I'm aiming for four and a half, but I don't want to set the bar too high. Also, I want to attend the next D23 Expo.
Eric – Resolving to launch and take my online Disney ventures to the next level (anything's higher than level 0) in 2010.
Elizabeth – My goal... the half marathon… I cannot possibly justify going if I cannot complete my share of the race, right?!
Mary Jo – [My Disney Resolution is] to not give them so much of my money.
April – In 2010 I'm going to look to simplify things. Life is too complicated to have complicated systems in place. And I'd like to take Scrapping the Magic to the next level... whenever I figure out what the next level is. As for a Disney themed resolution I'm going to make it a point of doing every one of my WDW to do. See every show, do every event, see all the parades. And I plan to photograph Fantasyland & Toontown from top to bottom so I won't have any regrets over missed pictures when they start to do the rehab.
Tony – My 2010 resolutions are going to bring both the good and the bad to my Disney "lifestyle".
While the harsh reality of some of my Non-Disney resolutions will be keeping away from the parks as often as I have grown accustomed to visiting, i.e. completing work around our home etc., I will "upping the ante" in other aspects of my "lifestyle" through a greater focus on enjoying the community outside of the parks.
While 2009 was a trying year for my family, it did bring us an amazing group of new found friends, through the Disney Online community. True friends, with whom we spend time outside of any aspect of Disney and offer real friendship and support in all aspects of our lives.
Had you told me a year or so ago, that I would have forged such bonds via the internet and meets at theme parks, I would have told you were, quite simply, insane. Yet here we are, on the cusp of a new year and I am surrounded by an incredible group of friends, on whom I can truly count on.
In this New Year, I resolve to strengthen these bonds with continued fun and friendship and vow to keep myself open to meeting new friends and creating new experiences together along the way.
On a less "spiritual" level, I look forward to working on some of the other fun Disney based projects that I have grow to enjoy being part of and will strive to see that they are as relevant and enjoyable to myself and others as the friendships which have brought these projects to me.
I wish both new friends and old, a very Happy and Prosperous New Year!!!
Ryan – I am resolving to complete more projects and further spread the roots of the Main Street Gazette, roots that have been created by hard work and a wonderful readership. I am also resolving to take my own advice to occasionally stop, take pause, and enjoy time with my friends when I am at Walt Disney World.