Posts Tagged ‘Media Bias’
Saturday, September 7th, 2024
This New Republic column inspired my latest limerick: “How the Media Sanitizes Trump’s Insanity”
Dear Political Press, please take note:
Stop reframing Trump’s rants; use a quote!
No more rend’ring coherent
His spewings aberrant;
Cease helping him skew how folks vote!
Tags: Campaign Humor, Campaign Satire, Donald Trump, Election Humor, Election Satire, Mainstream Media, Media, Media Bias, Media Humor, Republicans Humor, Trump
Posted in Campaign 2024, Campaign Humor, Donald Trump, Election 2024, Election Satire, Media Satire, Political Limericks, Trump | Comments Off on The Media’s Mistake (Limerick)
Sunday, October 13th, 2019
Fox’s “fig leaf,” Shep Smith, has resigned,
Which is putting Fox News in a bind:
They once used him to claim
Agitprop’s not their aim.
With him gone, who’ll Fox News hide behind?
Tags: Donald Trump, Fox News, Media Bias, Media Limerick, Shep Smith, Shepard Smith
Posted in Donald Trump, Election Satire, Fox News Humor, GOP Humor, Media Satire, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, White House | Comments Off on No More “Fig Leaf” For Fox (Limerick)
Wednesday, April 4th, 2018
Headline: “Sinclair producer in Nebraska resigns to protest ‘obvious bias'”
The Trump-loving owner Sinclair
Mandates talking points over the air;
Outlets MUST yell “Fake News”
To dupe and confuse.
The target’s all media that’s fair.
Tags: Donald Trump, Mainstream Media, Media Bias, Media Humor, Sinclair
Posted in Donald Trump, GOP Humor, Media Satire, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor | Comments Off on Sinclair’s Scheme (Limerick)
Thursday, September 22nd, 2016
Will the media (including debate moderators) finally do its job during the upcoming presidential debates? My 3-verse open limerick to the press begs the media to do exactly that:
Dear press, that low bar you employ
Judging Trump must be raised. Don’t be coy.
If he hides some bad traits
In these crucial debates,
Don’t applaud Donald’s “pivot” with joy!
If he fails to behave like a clown
And he brings his high lying rate down,
Doesn’t act like a mad man,
Or Trump-bus’ness ad man,
Don’t hand him a pageantry crown.
Stop pretending that Trump’s not an ass.
Stop giving The Donald a pass.
It’s time to admit
That he’s clearly unfit
To be prez. Do your job! Show some brass!
Tags: Campaign Satire, Debate Limerick, Donald Trump, Election 2016, Election Humor, Media Bias, Media Humor, Presidential Election, Press
Posted in Campaign Humor, Debate Humor, Donald Trump, Election Satire, GOP Humor, Media Satire, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor | Comments Off on Open Limerick To The Press (3-Verse)
Saturday, January 30th, 2016
I’m so sick of the news stories meant
To defame Mrs. Clinton with bent,
Sleazy headlines and lies
Told to make you surmise
That her emails were “secret” when sent.
Tags: Bias Humor, Campaign Satire, Classified Email, Election Humor, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Haters, Media Bias, Media Humor, Press Lies, Private Server, Sleazy Media
Posted in Campaign Humor, Election Satire, Hillary Clinton, Media Satire, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, White House | 3 Comments »
Monday, November 9th, 2015
The “liberal bias” lie is in full bloom this election cycle. And in its latest manifestation, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and Hugh Hewitt would have us believe that the press is being really mean to Ben Carson, while treating Hillary Clinton with kid gloves.
Of course such assertions are so laughable, even Joe Scarborough is mocking them.
Hugh Hewitt and Reince look askance
At the Ben Carson cov’rage. Their stance:
It’s a lib-press vendetta!
Hill’s treated much bettah!
(Even Joe isn’t buying their rants.)
Tags: Ben Carson, Campaign Satire, Election Humor, Hugh Hewitt, Joe Scarborough, Liberal Media, Media Bias, Media Humor, Reince Priebus
Posted in Ben Carson, Campaign Humor, Election Satire, GOP Humor, Media Satire, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, White House | Comments Off on Shedding Tears For Ben Carson? (Limerick)
Thursday, June 30th, 2011
By now you surely know that MSNBC has suspended its senior political analyst Mark Halperin for calling President Obama “a dick” on Joe Scarborough’s Morning Joe. (Halperin, who is also an editor-at large for Time) usually does a better job of hiding his pro-Republican bias.)
Limerick Ode To Mark Halperin
By Madeleine Begun Kane
I always suspected that Mark
Had a bias unspeakably stark.
Well he gave it away
In a dickish display.
With his epithet, Mark jumped the shark.
Tags: Barack Obama, Epithets, Joe Scarborough, Liberal Media, Mark Halperin, Media Bias, Media Humor, Morning Joe, MSNBC, Time Magazine
Posted in Barack Obama, Language Humor, Media Satire, Partisanship Satire, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire | 7 Comments »
Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010
I don’t meant to minimize the importance of the Congressional ethics charges against Rep. Charlie Rangel. But I can’t help wondering why the media can’t spare just a bit of space to cover the FBI’s criminal investigation into Sen. John Ensign. Hey journalists — I thought you liked covering juicy scandals involving money and sex.
That brings me to my latest limerick:
Why So “Liberal” With Charlie Rangel Coverage?
By Madeleine Begun Kane
I’ve a question dear journos — a gem.
And kindly don’t haw and don’t hem.
Where’s your cov’rage of Ensign?
You sure love dispensin’
The dirt on Rep. Rangel — the Dem.
Tags: Charlie Rangel, Double Standards, Ethics, FBI, John Ensign, Media Bias, Media Humor, Nevada, New York
Posted in Congress Humor, Corruption Humor, Crime, John Ensign, Media Satire, Nevada Humor, New York Politics, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire | Comments Off on Why So “Liberal” With Charlie Rangel Coverage?