Posts Tagged ‘Constitution’
Wednesday, November 6th, 2024
Dear Trump Voters: You surely must know
That he’s ruthless; it’s NOT just for show.
Yet despite, or because
Of his numerous flaws,
You’ve elected Democracy’s Foe.
Tags: Campaign Humor, Campaign Satire, Constitution, Democracy, Donald Trump, Election Humor, Election Satire, Harris, Harris v Trump, Kamala Harris, Republicans Humor, Trump, Voters, Voting Limerick
Posted in Campaign 2024, Campaign Humor, Donald Trump, Election 2024, Election Satire, Kamala Harris, Political Limericks, Trump | Comments Off on Open Limerick To Trump Voters
Tuesday, October 8th, 2024
My latest 3-verse limerick was inspired by a CNN article that included this paragraph: “Roberts was shaken by the adverse public reaction to his decision affording Trump substantial immunity from criminal prosecution. His protestations that the case concerned the presidency, not Trump, held little currency.”
Poor John Roberts is in a deep funk;
His beloved court’s stature has shrunk.
And it’s largely his fault
For harsh rulings that halt
Basic rights. He’s a punk and a skunk.
About justice his court doesn’t care.
There’s no effort to ever be fair.
It treats stare decisis
Like trash. We’ve a crisis;
Sound rulings are brutally rare!
So if Roberts is sad, fine by me!
For the court must be changed. You agree?
Then be sure to vote Dem.
No more hawing. Don’t hem!
It’s the one way to stem the debris.
Tags: Abortion Rights, Bill Of Rights, Campaign Humor, Campaign Satire, Constitution, Donald Trump, Election Humor, Election Satire, Insurrection, January 6, John Roberts, Justice Department, Justice John Roberts, Precedent, Republicans Humor, Stare Decisis, Supreme Court, Trump
Posted in Abortion Rights, Campaign 2024, Campaign Humor, Constitution Humor, Constitutional Crisis, Democracy Humor, Democrats Humor, Democrats Satire, Donald Trump, Election 2024, Election Satire, Kamala Harris, Law Satire, Legal Limericks, Political Limericks, Republicans Humor, Supreme Court, Trump | Comments Off on Our Supreme Problem (3-Verse Limerick)
Friday, August 11th, 2023
Headlines like this drive me nuts: “Is It Possible Trump Will Strike a Plea Deal to Avoid Prison?”
A plea deal for Trump? That’s just mad!
Speculation like that’s simply sad.
Any pact he might make,
He would instantly break!
Trump’s a slippery snake of a cad.
Tags: Constitution, Coup, Crime and Punishment, Crime Limerick, Donald Trump, Election 2020, Election 2024, Election Humor, Insurrection, Jack Smith, January 6, Justice Department, One/Six, Republicans Humor, Trump, Trump Crimes, Trump Indictment, Trump Lies, Trump Rally, Trump Riot
Posted in Constitution Humor, Crime, Donald Trump, Justice Department, Law Satire, Political Limericks, Trump | Comments Off on A Plea Deal For Donald? Don’t Even Think About It! (Limerick)
Monday, August 7th, 2023
“Trump’s defense needs more time!” That’s the plea
From John Lauro, last week in DC.
But the judge should be tough,
Cuz oddly enough
John had time for “full Ginsburg” TV.
Tags: Constitution, Coup, Crime and Punishment, Crime Limerick, Donald Trump, Election 2020, Election 2024, Election Humor, Insurrection, Jack Smith, January 6, John Lauro, Justice Department, Mike Pence, One/Six, Republicans Humor, Trump, Trump Crimes, Trump Indictment, Trump Lies, Trump Rally, Trump Riot
Posted in Campaign 2024, Campaign Humor, Constitution Humor, Constitutional Crisis, Crime, Donald Trump, Election 2024, Election Satire, Justice Department, Law Satire, Political Limericks, Trump | Comments Off on Whining For Time (Limerick)
Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023
Another indictment’s been filed,
And Donald’s both anxious and riled
And undoubtedly frightened.
The vise has been tightened,
And law shall prevail! (“Will be wild!”)
Tags: Constitution, Coup, Crime and Punishment, Crime Limerick, Donald Trump, Election 2020, Election 2024, Election Humor, Insurrection, Jack Smith, January 6, Justice Department, Mike Pence, One/Six, Republicans Humor, Trump, Trump Crimes, Trump Indictment, Trump Lies, Trump Rally, Trump Riot
Posted in Constitution Humor, Constitutional Crisis, Crime, Donald Trump, Election 2024, Election Satire, Justice Department, Law Satire, Political Limericks, Trump | Comments Off on Donald Trump’s Finally Trumped (Limerick)
Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023
The 14th Amendment is clear,
And the time to take action is here.
Quash the “ceiling” charade:
Our debts must be paid!
Kick extortionist pols in the rear!
Tags: 14th Amendment, Biden, Biden Limerick, Budget Cuts, Constitution, Constitution Verse, Debt Ceiling, Joe Biden, Legal & Lawyer Humor, Legal Humor, Legal Satire, Republicans Humor, U.S. Constitution
Posted in Constitution Humor, Constitutional Crisis, Economy Humor, Fiscal Policy, GOP Humor, House Satire, Joe Biden, Kevin McCarthy, Law Satire, Legal Limericks, Mitch McConnell, Money & Finance Humor, Money And Finance Humor, Political Limericks, Republicans Humor, Senate Satire, Tax & Budget Humor, White House | Comments Off on Open Limerick To Joe Biden
Monday, December 5th, 2022
Flag-hugger Donald
says suspend Constitution–
GOP pols shrug.
Tags: Campaign Humor, Campaign Satire, Constitution, Constitution Verse, Donald Trump, Election Humor, Election Satire, Trump
Posted in Constitution Humor, Constitutional Crisis, Donald Trump, GOP Humor, Political Limericks, Republicans Humor, Trump | Comments Off on Flag-Hugger Haiku
Monday, December 3rd, 2018
Headline: “DC, Md. officials ready with subpoenas in Trump hotel case”
The emoluments case marches on
With subpoenas to prove Donald’s con.
May the DC’s A.G.
And Maryland’s be
A success v. our President/Don.
Tags: Attorneys General, Constitution, D.C. A.G., Donald Trump, Emoluments Clause, Federal Lawsuit, Legal Humor, Legal Satire, Legal Verse, Maryland, Maryland A.G., Subpoenas, U.S. Constitution
Posted in Constitution Humor, Donald Trump, Election Satire, GOP Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, White House | Comments Off on That Pesky Emoluments Clause (Limerick)
Thursday, March 16th, 2017
Donald Trump’s been rebuked once again:
For the second time in two months, two federal judges on Wednesday refused to allow President Trump to impose a travel ban, citing his campaign rhetoric as evidence of an improper desire to prevent Muslims from entering the United States.
Remember when GOP chatter
Taunted Dems with the sentence: “Words matter!”?
Yet it’s rare that they balk
At the Donald’s loose talk…
Which has flattened his bans with a clatter.
Tags: Abuse of Executive Power, Constitution, Constitution Verse, Executive Orders, Executive Overreach, Judiciary Humor, Litigation Humor, Loose Talk, Muslim Ban, Religious Discrimination, Travel Ban, Trump, Words Matter
Posted in Constitution Humor, Donald Trump, GOP Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Religious Satire, Republicans Humor, White House | Comments Off on Words Matter (Limerick)
Sunday, April 19th, 2009
My latest double limerick, written in an antibiotic haze and inspired by Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s secession talk brouhaha:
Yet Another Ode To Republican Hypocrisy
By Madeleine Begun Kane
Under Bush left-dissent equaled treason.
So Republicans claimed without reason.
Now Obama is prez
(A commie Chavez)
And secession is righteous — not teasin’.
Yes Gov. Perry and co. say it’s fine —
This unconstitutional whine:
Secede cuz Barack
Is a Europy Jacques.
Then they pray to Ron Reagan. Divine!
Tags: Constitution, Dissent, Obama, Reagan Satire, Republicans Humor, Rick Perry, Secession, Texas Humor, Treason
Posted in Barack Obama, Constitution Humor, GOP Humor, Political Limericks, Political Verse, Politics Satire, Republicans Humor, Rick Perry, Ronald Reagan, Texas Humor, Wingnuts | 8 Comments »