Obama’s Words – A Textbook Case Of Subtle Sexism

Some recent Barack Obama comments reminded me of a personal essay on subtle sexism I wrote way back in 1990.  And while that might sound like ancient history, my essay, published under various titles including Gender At Work and My Most Attractive Adversary, is the lead Gender Gap chapter essay in a pair of current (2008) textbooks by Gary Goshgarian:  The Contemporary Reader and Readings For Today.

In his introduction to my essay, Northeastern University English Professor Goshgarian observes:

Women may seem to have made tremendous progress professionally and academically, but they are held back by indirect sexist comments and attitudes. They are caught in a catch-22.  If they react against these seemingly small slights, they appear to be overreacting or too sensitive. But to let them pass may signal that such comments are somehow acceptable.  In the next essay, humorist and self-described “recovering lawyer” Madeleine Begun Kane holds that subtle sexism maintains gender differences.

And that brings me to this subtly sexist Obama comment, made in response to Hillary Clinton attacks:

You challenge the status quo and suddenly the claws come out.

And to this even more offensive line:

I understand that Senator Clinton, periodically when she’s feeling down, launches attacks as a way of trying to boost her appeal.

“Claws come out?” “Periodically?”  “Feeling down?” These words are more subtle than the B-word, I suppose. But they are sexist, nonetheless. 

So where’s the blogger outrage over Obama’s sexism?  Lots of luck finding it among the A-list bloggers — the male ones, at least. They have a much better time of it interpreting everything the Clinton team does as racist. 

Sure, there’s some great commentary about Obama’s sexism over at Taylor Marsh’s blog and at Talk Left. But in the main, Obama’s getting a gender bias-pass.

Meanwhile, many educated young women, who apparently take the accomplishments of feminism for granted, are supporting Obama’s candidacy over Hillary Clinton.

You know what those young women could use?  A good gender studies course.  Because sexism, after all, isn’t ancient history.

(For the lighter side of gender issues, you can find my feminist humor here.)

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18 Responses to “Obama’s Words – A Textbook Case Of Subtle Sexism”

  1. Deborah Jennings-Ryan says:

    I am disappointed in the way other blogs are going this route and other issues dissing women. They are starting to sound like the bobble head crowds on the networks and cable news. No outrage over the “iron my shirt” comment. Candi Crowley and the “velvet shiv” comment, wtf. David Schuster on the “pimped out” comment has turned him into a victim of the Hillary Machine. Please! Least we forget poor Chris Matthews, he should be x-rated on the crap he spews. Then to read the same crap on the blogs. Catch 22!

  2. Cd123456789 says:

    Obama’s sexism did not go unnoticed in this small corner. I am continuously outraged by his condescending manner, about which the pundits never comment, while they take Ms. Clinton apart over every little detail – her suits, her laugh (the talking heads are also rank with sexists). Ms. Clinton cannot reasonably take Obama to task for anything, without Obama reducing it to what amounts to sexually biased comments and political rhetoric. Everything Ms. Clinton says is characterized as “attacks” and “dirty politics,” without regard to their merits. Most recently, when he was challenged to a debate, his response was something like “my ten point plans are set forth on my website.” That is not a debate, Mr. Obama. His response is more subtle sexual bias in simply refusing to engage, reflecting the attitude that you Woman just are not as smart as or good enough for me Man to bother with you Woman.

    Obama is getting more than a gender-bias pass; he is getting a free pass as everyone tippy toes around him to avoid any possible malinterpretation as racism. Meanwhile, the handling of Ms. Clinton is ripe with the most outrageous sexism, which goes virtually unnoticed and certainly not reprehended.

  3. Also Shakespeare’s Sister and here at Corrente with “Stay Classy” (in fact, I think we were early on this one).

    So, I think a lot of people are paying attention to this one, although it hasn’t, as it were, gone vertical to the A-listers.

  4. […] Some Compellling Reasons to Vote for Hillary Posted on February 21, 2008 by archcrone I haven’t talked much about the American Idolization of the US Presidency for a while. I’m simply worn out. I’m tired of the contrived nonsense over similar wording. I’m tired of the subtle sexism coming out of Obama’s mouth. But, because I don’t write anything about this crap, doesn’t mean I haven’t been reading. […]

  5. […] Madeleine Begun Kane presents Obama’s Words – A Textbook Case Of Subtle Sexism posted at Mad Kane’s Political Madness. […]

  6. […] 23, 2008 · No Comments Comment at Madkane’s: Obama’s sexism did not go unnoticed in this small corner. I amcontinuously outraged by his condescending manner, about which the pundits never comment, while they take Ms. Clinton apart over every little detail. […]

  7. Redstar says:

    I found you via Donna Darko. We blog with another woman about Sen. Clinton’s campaign at the site:


    We’re all Clinton supporters and the site reflects that. The blog is also part of a fundraising network for Clinton.

    Please check us out and spread the word!!

  8. […] Mad Kane on Obama’s sexism Filed under: Politics — Tags: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, presidential primary, sexism — chiroptera @ 3:16 pm Mad Kane posted about subtly sexist comments in the Obama campaign.  She quotes Gary Goshgarian about the catch-22 of women’s reactions to subtle sexism: Women may seem to have made tremendous progress professionally and academically, but they are held back by indirect sexist comments and attitudes. They are caught in a catch-22.  If they react against these seemingly small slights, they appear to be overreacting or too sensitive. But to let them pass may signal that such comments are somehow acceptable. […]

  9. […] Madeleine Begun Kane presents Obama’s Words – A Textbook Case Of Subtle Sexism posted at Mad Kane’s Political Madness. […]

  10. […] The election in the middle latitudes of North America, the United States of America, concerns us all. Some election blogging – the Young and Broke Amanda Gleason assesses the race so far. Menstrual Poetry writes about Republican front-runner John McCain’s position on abortion. It’s sneaky moves he’s making there. Obama: was he or wasn’t he sexist talking about Clinton getting down periodically? Mad Kane’s Political Madness thinks it’s a textbook case of subtle sexism. Feministe whistles up a storm on the same topic. But Karnythia at The Angry Black Woman contemplates breaking up with feminism. […]

  11. […] Madeleine Begun Kane presents Obama’s Words – A Textbook Case Of Subtle Sexism posted at Mad Kane’s Political Madness. […]

  12. […] Madeleine Begun Kane presents Obama’s Words – A Textbook Case Of Subtle Sexism, posted at Mad Kane’s Political Madness. […]

  13. J says:

    Men and women are different. I AM moodier than my boyfriend, and all of my friends are moodier than their boyfriend/husbands. We have different hormones. It’s ridiculous to expect men and women to be talked about in the same way. We are equal, but we are not the same, and addressing our differences directly or indirectly shouldn’t automatically be called sexism.

  14. the chaplain says:

    I’ve got a couple of posts about the issue of sexism in the current campaign on my blog. Thanks for posting this. I was beginning to think no one else was picking up on this stuff.

  15. […] The man likes classics, it seems. That’s a classic sexist stand-by if I ever heard one. Women can’t be trusted, they’re emotional and irrational and PMSing and the Force knows what else. Uhm, what year was this again? There’s some nice commentary about Obama’s comments on Madeleine Kane and Taylor Marsh’s blogs and a few other places. Now, I’m not trying to influence anyone’s vote. It’s just that, uhm, know your candidate, Ok? Just sayin’ […]

  16. You go girl! says:

    I have also noticed how Obama gets away with his carefully chosen and hidden sexist comments. Don’t forget the one about Ferraro being “slice and dice” politics. He’s constantly using “kitchen” and “kitchen appliance” analogies. Like that’s the place these women who dare to be politicians should return to.

    But I think he has finally stuck his foot in his mouth with this lame attempt to spin the Rev. Jeremiah Wright story into making the American public feel that THEY are the racists because they don’t “understand black culture”. That doesn’t excuse the hateful anti-American statements Wright has made, nor does it obfuscate Obama’s poor judgment in choosing a political radical and hot potato like Wright as his campaign advisor, close mentor and friend, and pastor of over 20 years. That truly is a (to use Obama’s own word about himself) “boneheaded” lack of good judgment.

  17. TeresaInPa says:

    I wrote them and gave them an eyefull about their moronic cover. I really can not believe this nonsense. I think these women and organizations have really become about playing along with the guys so that they women running them at least get their own financial parity as the rest of the women in the world stuggle.
    I am sick and disgusted.

  18. TeresaInPa says:

    ummm J, What are you talking about?