Mont Tremblant Resort: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec - Live Work Learn Play
Resort & Recreation-Based Destinations
Montreal, Quebec, resort, ski, tremblant, village
About This Project

Mont Tremblant Resort

Location: Mont-Tremblant, Quebec


Mont-Tremblant is located in the heart of the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec, Canada, approximately 130 kilometres (81 mi) northwest of Montreal and 140 kilometres (87 mi) northeast of Ottawa, Ontario. Intrawest Corporation purchased the mountain in 1991, transforming it into a renowned four-season holiday destination and ski resort destination, attracting over 3 million visitors annually, and named for many years #1 Ski Resort in the North American East by Ski Magazine. The main resort has more than 600 acres (2.4 km2) of ski and snowboarding trails in four distinct areas: North Side (Versant Nord), South Side (Versant Sud), Sunny Side (Versant Soleil) and The Edge (Versant Edge).


To learn more about Tremblant, visit