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Jose Jose

Jose Jose
Jose Jose
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Jos™ Jos™ (nacido Jos™ RЈmulo Sosa Ortiz el 17 de febrero de 1948 en Claverќa, Azcapotzalco, Ciudad de M™xico), es un cantante mexicano.

Referido en el mundo del espect‘culo como "El Prќncipe de la CanciЈn", Jos™ Jos™ es mejor conocido por sus baladas rom‘nticas y reverenciado por su voz. Es considerado como uno de los cantantes m‘s talentosos de la mЄsica popular latinoamericana, reconocible por su potencia y tono puro de voz, asќ como su capacidad para mantener largas notas altas y bajas. En una carrera que ha abarcado m‘s de cuarenta aЎos, su interpretaciЈn y su estilo han influenciado a importantes artistas del pop latino.

Nacido en una familia de privilegiados mЄsicos, Jos™ Jos™ comenzЈ su carrera tocando la guitarra y cantando en serenatas durante la adolescencia. M‘s tarde, se uniЈ a un trќo de jazz y bossa nova en el que cantaba y tocaba el bajo y contrabajo. Se convirtiЈ en un solista exitoso en 1970, demostrando su habilidad vocal con una interpretaciЈn magistral de la canciЈn "El Triste", siguiendole una serie de enormes ™xitos durante la d™cada. En los 1980s, ganЈ fama internacional por ser uno de los cantantes m‘s talentosos y exitosos de Am™rica Latina. Su ‘lbum "Secretos" de 1983 es uno de los m‘s vendidos en la historia de la mЄsica popular mexicana, con m‘s de 11 millones de copias hasta la fecha. RecibiЈ varias nominaciones al Grammy y numerosos reconocimientos a nivel mundial. AbarrotЈ en lugares como el Madison Square Garden y el Radio City Music Hall. Su mЄsica llegЈ a paќses no hispano parlantes como JapЈn, Israel y Rusia. Durante la d™cada de 1990, despu™s de varios ™xitos, su carrera comenzЈ a decaer a medida que perdќa la voz debido al alcoholismo y diversos problemas de salud. Tambi™n ha forjado una carrera como actor, protagonizando pelќculas como "Gavil‘n o Paloma" y "PerdЈname Todo".

Debido a su voz, su carrera en la mЄsica y la gran popularidad que logrЈ, es considerado por los medios de comunicaciЈn, la prensa y la audiencia como uno de los cantantes m‘s importantes de la mЄsica pop latina.


Jos™ RЈmulo Sosa Ortiz (born on February 17, 1948), known internationally by his artistic name Jos™ Jos™, is a Mexican singer.

Referred in the entertainment world as "El Prќncipe de la CanciЈn" (The Prince of the Song), Jos™ Jos™ is best known for his romantic ballads and renowned for his gifted vocals. He is regarded as one of the most talented singers of Latin American popular music, recognizable by his pure vocal tone and his ability to sustain high and low notes.

Born into a family of musicians, Jos™ Jos™ started his musical career in his early teens playing guitar and singing in serenades. He later joined a jazz and bossa nova trio where he sang and played the bass and double bass. Jos™ became a successful solo artist in the early 1970s. Demonstrating his vocal ability with a masterful performance of the song "El Triste" in a Latin music festival in 1970, he climbed the most important Latin charts during the decade. In the 1980s, after signing with Ariola Records, Jos™ Jos™ gained international fame for being one of the most talented and successful singers of Latin America. His 1983 album Secretos is one of the best sellers in the history of Mexican music, it has sold over 11 million copies around the world. With a series of huge hits, he received several nominations to the Grammy and numerous recognitions worldwide. He sold out in venues such as the Madison Square Garden and the Radio City Music Hall. His music reached non Spanish-speaking countries like Japan, Israel and Russia. During the 1990s, after several hits, his career began to decline as his voice started to falter due to his alcoholism and health issues. Jos™ has also forged a career as an actor, starring in movies like Gavil‘n o Paloma and PerdЈname Todo.

In a career that has spanned over forty years, his performance and distinctive vocal style have influenced several Latin pop artists. Due to his wide-range vocals, his career in Latin music and the high popularity he achieved, he is considered by the media, the press and the people as one of the most important Latin singers from his era.

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