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Jake Coco

Jake Coco
Jake Coco
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“I want to be the conductor of your emotions. I want everyone to smile with me, to laugh with me, to cry with me, to love with me, even to die with me. I want to change the world, am I am naïve enough to believe that it is possible. Music could write the doctrine of world peace and if everyone stopped all of their nonsense and just sang a song, held hands, and loved, then maybe we could stop fighting over invisible boundary lines and green colored paper. Read more on Last.fm
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Тип Постер Название / Информация Размер Сид | Лич
Music / User's Compilation VA - Acoustic Rock vol.12 (2020) [FLAC (tracks)] VA - Acoustic Rock vol.12 (2020) [FLAC (tracks)] 610.94
5 | 0
by Pashketan p2000s
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