At Lomax Termite Control, we strive to please all of our customers, including those who request treatments by Orange Oil. ProCitra DL is a professional grade treatment solution that comes directly from oranges and other citrus peels. It controls a wide variety of pests while leaving a fresh scent of oranges behind. Orange Oil products contain the active ingredient d-limonene. D-limonene is extracted from the rinds of oranges, and it’s the same chemical found in many household products. Due to d-limonene’s low toxicity, it has become the preferred termite control method for many home owners and industries. Orange Oil is also used in the manufacturing of resins, cleaning compounds, and as a fragrance additive in many products
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. Orange Oil for killing termites could also be referred to as D-limonene Termite Control. D-limonene is referred to in the Code of Federal Regulations as (GRAS) Generally Recognized as Safe to be used as a flavoring agent and can be found in many commonly manufactured food items such as baked goods products, ice cream, juices, and many soft drinks. Orange Oil is known to have moderately low toxicity. An Orange Oil termite treatment can be an effective low toxicity control method when performed by expert technicians. Orange Oil has a pleasing orange scent unlike other chemical insecticide. An Orange Oil termite treatment is ideal for sensitive accounts such as schools, nursing homes, food processing plants, hospitals and government buildings.
D-limonene Orange Oil can be used to treat most areas of a structure. Areas once considered inaccessible become visible through the use of fiber optic scopes. When there is a reason to believe termite infestation extends into inaccessible areas such as wall voids, a small hole can be made to look inside. Once the extent of the termite infestations is known, treatments can be made to control the termites. Once injected into the termite galleries, the d-limonene kills termites and their eggs. Termites not directly hit with the product will die if they eat any wood recently treated. Because d-limonene based products will biodegrade in a short time, some recommend using a low toxic residual chemical like Tim-bor for more effective long lasting protection.