College, can be tough, can be lonely and may never seem like "home" probably at least not your first year away. Our boys are making the most of it and they say their college beds are actually more comfortable then home because they have the memory foam comfy pillow tops that are oh so cozy. However, in talking to them recently they said as much as they're trying to make it home and their dorm rooms as cozy as possible, it's still not home. Here is where mom comes in to send them a little bit from back home where they love. I absolutely love giving and receiving care packages and a couple of my dear friends recently told me I should do a post about that. But I don't have pictures of the ones I've sent already but I couldn't help but snap away to share this one with you because it's my favorite so far. I've got one, who is as much of a pumpkin spice lover as I am, so I came up with the idea to do a pumpkin spice and everything nice care package!
What I put in the Pumpkin Package
Pumpkin Spice Pastry Crisps (these are sooo good)
Life Pumpkin Spice Cereal
Pumpkin Dreams Glade Plug-Ins (Dorm room needs to smell like fall)
Reese's Pumpkins
Snickers Pumpkin's
Krispy Kreme Pumpkin Pie Slices
Ghirardelli Pumpkin Spice chocolates caramels (Super good BTW)
Orange Pumpin Patch Pop Rocks
A Pumpkin Spice Protein Bar
A Pumpkin Spice Protein Bar
Tin pumpkin face container for candy, pens, pencils, etc. (on Dorm desk)
A Real mini Pumpkin (to decorate the Dorm Room)
What I Did
I used this pumpkin and printed 6 of them on a sticker backed label sheet and cut them out and put letter stickers on each pumpkin to spell I MISS U
Filled the box with orange tissue and packed everything inside.
Found another pumpkin image and added my own wording with TitleX app or you can use PicMonkey, I put this on top of the folded over tissue paper. I also enlarged a couple of the lil pumpkins and added encouraging words and added some scrapbook stickers.
I think it was a HIT, can you tell by this smile??
This quote below is my motto!!! Happy Monday. Do something small for someone this week and feel your heart and more importantly; their's.....SOAR!!
Linking up with Biana // Totally Terrific Tuesday // Show and Tell Tuesdays // Wordless Wednesday // Inspire Me Monday // Share The joy// Inspire Me Tuesday // Lou Lou Girls Fabulous Party // Share It // Creative Monday's Blog Hop // Thoughts on Thursday // Creative Muster Party // Wow Us Wednesdays // Wonderful Wednesday's Blog Hop // Feathered Nest Friday // Dishing It & Digging It //// Metamorphosis Monday // The Scoop