College, can be tough, can be lonely and may never seem like "home" probably at least not your first year away. Our boys are making the most of it and they say their college beds are actually more comfortable then home because they have the memory foam comfy pillow tops that are oh so cozy. However, in talking to them recently they said as much as they're trying to make it home and their dorm rooms as cozy as possible, it's still not home. Here is where mom comes in to send them a little bit from back home where they love. I absolutely love giving and receiving care packages and a couple of my dear friends recently told me I should do a post about that. But I don't have pictures of the ones I've sent already but I couldn't help but snap away to share this one with you because it's my favorite so far. I've got one, who is as much of a pumpkin spice lover as I am, so I came up with the idea to do a pumpkin spice and everything nice care package!

What I put in the Pumpkin Package
Pumpkin Spice Pastry Crisps (these are sooo good)
Life Pumpkin Spice Cereal
Pumpkin Dreams Glade Plug-Ins (Dorm room needs to smell like fall)
Reese's Pumpkins
Snickers Pumpkin's
Krispy Kreme Pumpkin Pie Slices
Ghirardelli Pumpkin Spice chocolates caramels (Super good BTW)
Orange Pumpin Patch Pop Rocks
A Pumpkin Spice Protein Bar
Tin pumpkin face container for candy, pens, pencils, etc. (on Dorm desk)
A Real mini Pumpkin (to decorate the Dorm Room)

What I Did
I used this pumpkin and printed 6 of them on a sticker backed label sheet and cut them out and put letter stickers on each pumpkin to spell I MISS U

Filled the box with orange tissue and packed everything inside.

Found another pumpkin image and added my own wording with TitleX app or you can use PicMonkey, I put this on top of the folded over tissue paper. I also enlarged a couple of the lil pumpkins and added encouraging words and added some scrapbook stickers.
I think it was a HIT, can you tell by this smile??

This quote below is my motto!!! Happy Monday. Do something small for someone this week and feel your heart and more importantly; their's.....SOAR!!

Linking up with Biana // Totally Terrific Tuesday // Show and Tell Tuesdays // Wordless Wednesday // Inspire Me Monday // Share The joy// Inspire Me Tuesday // Lou Lou Girls Fabulous Party // Share It // Creative Monday's Blog Hop // Thoughts on Thursday // Creative Muster Party // Wow Us Wednesdays // Wonderful Wednesday's Blog Hop // Feathered Nest Friday // Dishing It & Digging It //// Metamorphosis Monday // The Scoop


As much as I love pumpkin, as in last month's Pumpkin Palooza recipes, I think I love soups in the Fall and Winter even more. Since the weather is finally cooperating for soul soothing recipes, it's time to pull out some of my favorite soups. Oh how I love me some beef vegetable and what a perfect way to get some nourishing veggies and antioxidants in your system. It's a great near the end of Summer Soup too to reap the bounty of all the garden goodness!

I get the BEST beef base from a local Amish store and it gives this soup so much flavor. The cabbage is a flavor perk too and even if you don't like cabbage like a couple of my boys, you cannot even tell it is in there and they gobble it up. This freezes so well too so any leftovers form the big ole' stock pot, I put in freezer containers and it's great to pul our for lunches. 

What You'll need
Beef Vegetable Soup
1 4-5lb Chuck or shoulder beef roast
1 can tomato juice
2 cans diced or stewed tomatoes
1 14oz can beef broth
1 bag frozen veggies for soup
1/2 onion, chopped
1/2 cup celery, diced 
3-4 potatoes, diced
1 cup baby carrots, diced
1/2 a head of cabbage, chopped
1 Tbsp Worcestershire Sauce
2-3 Tbsp of a good beef base
Salt and Pepper to taste 

After you have cooked the roast in the crockpot several hours with Worcestershire and 2 Tbsp beef base until tender, cool and shred the meat. You can either chill the broth and skim off any fat or pour directly into a large stockpot. To the pot add the tomato juice, tomatoes, beef broth and all the veggies and an additional Tbsp of beef base as desired. Bring to a boil, cook 15 minutes and reduce heat to a simmer. Add shredded beef and salt and pepper to taste. You can either transfer to crockpot or like me, simmer in the stockpot for a few hours on low. We like to serve this with buttered Saltine crackers.




When your dog is constipated....Yes, I said that and I wanted to begin this post by bringing you guys the best tip for your fur babies and perhaps yourself! There is now proof that our dog Daisy is definitely my daughter. Cue in the pumpkin purée! As you know, I'm pumpkin crazy. A couple weeks ago we started noticing Daisy was having some problems in her back end (if you know what I mean) due to degenerative discs and arthritis. For the constipation, it was recommended to give her pumpkin purée! Not only is it good for them but it works like a charm. Little hint, pull their ears back while eating it as her white fur was a little orange, lol. 

There's your friendly PSA for the day, now onto other things you may be pondering. Well, you may not be pondering these questions, but I am and once you hear them, you might go, "yeah, I wondered that too!"

1. Do you think Brad Pitt cheated? Press says "no" but I mean, he did it to Jen, do you think he did it to Ang?

2. Why are there no "B" Batteries?...AAA.AA, C, D...NO B??

3. I'm worried about commenting on some blogs. On a few lately, I've gotten this message and then Bam...I start getting unwanted insurance email in my mailbox. I'm sorry but anything unsecured, I probably won't leave comments anymore. 
Anybody else get this? 

4. Cell phones are scaring me...how did it know we just parked 10 minutes ago or that I like Target?

5. Is it just me, or are there other people who don't want EITHER candidate 
to win? #election2016

Anyone see this SNL skit this weekend? At this point, I'd rather have one of them, lol!

6. Why do people think they get the flu from the flu shot? This drives me nuts. I work in a hospital, you DO NOT get the flu from the flu shot. You may feel a little malaise and have some slight aches and a sore arm but the actual flu....NO. Trust me, you do not want the flu(s) that this shot protects you against. Another PSA: Get your flu shot! 

7. Why do they call little candy bars "Fun Size?" Wouldn't it be more fun to get a BIG one?
And again, is it me, or do I feel like this guy is gonna say "Word To Your Mother!"?

8. Why is Pumpkin Spice Cream Cheese such a Hot commodity in Northern Indiana? I went 3xs to get some and out of stock every.single.time... until I nabbed the last one last Thursday.


9. At The Movie Theater, which arm rest is yours?? Dilemma!

10. When does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny?