Top 10 SEO hacks you must know to rank your website in Google SERP in 2023

Top 10 SEO hacks you must know to rank your website in Google SERP in 2023

Having an online business is not difficult but staying competitive necessitates the use of a website. When you own a website, you always want to rank your website in Google SERP. You would always prefer that your website appears at the top of search results whenever someone searches for something.

Here are the top 10 SEO hacks you must know to rank your website in Google Search Engine Result Page.

1. Using the keywords correctly

You very well know, to rank your website in Google SERP you need to add keywords. A keyword is a word that best represents the information one provides on his website. Keywords allow the users of the internet to find the page or the website and help in optimizing the website. Regardless, of how many times you use a keyword, do ensure that the keyword must appear a few times in your content and should be the part of title and website URL.

2. Give uniqueness to your title, description, and content

The best practice you can adopt in 2023 to rank your website is avoiding duplicity/replication.

Have your own unique content, and don't fall for the common title and description traps. The uniqueness of the content will act as the USP of your website and help you to stand out amongst others.

3. Top SEO hack: Focus on the featured snippets

Short snippets of text appearing at the top of the google search result are the featured snippets.

Optimize your content to make it appear in a featured snippet. It is suggested to use the long tail keywords to make the content appear in a featured snippet. Short tail keywords hold lesser chances of making you appear in featured snippets.

4. Minding the technical SEO

Designing your website in such a way that search engines can find it easily.

Securing all the pages of your website is a must. It gets necessary for all your pages to load quickly, and all the links added should be working.

5. Adding internal links to your website

Adding internal links reduces the chances of a lost visitor as the same domain is trying to serve you efficiently by just putting an extra link to the text. Links provide additional information to the visitors. Links provided serve as the proof of the relevance of your content.

6. E-A-T elements

Expertise-Authority-Trust, these are the hacks to rank your website in Google SERP. These are the factors that Google considers while ranking your website.

Expertise refers to the author's credibility and experience whose content you are publishing on your website. It gets easier to hold a visitor when they are known to the author’s credibility.

Authority means the reputation that you hold amongst your rivals.

Trust refers to having the required qualifications to write about your topic. Google trusts your work when you hold the desired value.

7. Lowering your bounce rate

Make your relevant information appear at the top to avoid a lost visitor. You may put a table of content and summary so that the visitors can directly reach to the content which is relevant to them. Also, a table of content would make your work presentable.

8. Content should match the search intent.

The text on the website should correspond to the searcher's intent. If someone searches for something, they should not get results that show how to prepare it. Your website should remain focused on its intended purpose.

9. Location-based searching

Optimizing a website for traffic from location-based searches, it is the most effective way to market your products and services to local customers.

10. Update old pages

The more frequently you update your website, the more search engines will analyze it.

It optimizes not only the recently updated articles but also the entire website. If you update an old article, your chances of appearing in search rankings increase because search engines will optimize the website regularly to look for new updates.

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