The Mentorship Journey: How Guiding Lights Illuminate Our Career Paths

The Mentorship Journey: How Guiding Lights Illuminate Our Career Paths

Imagine stepping onto a path covered in fog, with only your ambition to guide you. That was me before I discovered mentorship. I'm David Seewack, and today I'm not just sharing my story; it’s a compass for anyone in the trucking industry looking to navigate the tricky turns of their career with a mentor by their side.

The Mentor Who Redefined My Path

Let’s go back to those early days. My venture into the truck parts business began with a simple yet pivotal decision: to work for Leo, my dad's best friend, a successful entrepreneur in the trucking industry. Leo didn’t just become my boss; he became my mentor. He taught me the ropes, from working in the shop to outside salesman to running a department, and eventually, the whole show. Leo's mentorship was hands-on. He didn't just tell me what to do; he showed me how to think differently, work smarter, and continuously innovate.

What it Truly Means to Be a Mentee

Here’s something I realized early on: being a mentee isn’t about passively receiving wisdom. True mentorship is reciprocal. It’s about actively engaging, questioning, and sometimes even challenging ideas to forge your own understanding. It's a dance of give and take. I worked tirelessly, not just to meet Leo's expectations but to exceed them, to show that his investment in me was worthwhile.

Seeking Your Mentor in the Crowd

In an industry as vast and varied as trucking, finding a mentor might seem daunting. But here's a tip: start by identifying what you admire. Do you want business acumen, technical knowledge, or leadership style? Then, seek out individuals who embody these traits. Approach them, show curiosity, drive, and a willingness to learn. Ask questions, seek advice, and, most importantly, demonstrate your eagerness to learn and grow. A mentor is not just a guide but a collaborator in your journey to success.

Mentorship: The Core of FinditParts Culture

At FinditParts, we don’t just talk about mentorship; we live it. It’s woven into every interaction, every meeting. When we sit down for our quarterly reviews, it's not a check-the-box exercise; it’s an opportunity to mentor and be mentored, to exchange ideas, and to challenge each other to think bigger and bolder. We strive to foster a culture of continuous improvement.

Leveraging Mentorship in Current Industry Challenges

In a landscape where skilled professionals are in high demand, mentorship becomes a superpower. It's about accelerating learning curves, transferring knowledge, and preparing the next wave of industry leaders. For those willing to embrace mentorship, the opportunities for career advancement are as vast as the open road.

Start the Transformation Today

Mentorship transformed my journey from an uncertain start to a fulfilling career at the helm of FinditParts. It's a journey of continuous learning, of building relationships that transcend the typical boss-employee dynamic.

So, I urge you – whether you're just starting out or steering your own ship – seek out a mentor. Find that person who challenges you, supports you, and most importantly, believes in you. Remember, every great journey begins with a single step, but with a mentor by your side, you're never walking alone.

Great job David!! I always enjoyed working with you!!

Chandos Erwin

Co-founder, Managing Partner at Hydro


Looking good, my friend. Love the article. Too many people try to go it alone and don't realize the value of listening and learning. And likewise, we need more people who are willing to take the time to share what they know in exchange for nothing more than the joy of seeing others grow.

Jamie Irvine

Host of The Heavy Duty Parts Report & CEO of the Heavy Duty Consulting Corporation where we help heavy-duty parts people solve problems and thrive.


The more heavy-duty people I speak to the more I hear this theme repeated. Mentorship is a Key component to becoming heavy-duty. #BeHeavyDuty

Keith Gelinas

Senior Practice Manager - Amazon Web Services


Great article David and couldn’t agree more about mentorship. So incredibly important to building a successful career. Two men that come to mind for me are Bob Show and Harvey Peterson.

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