GoodHabitz CEO responds to sexism at The Olympics

GoodHabitz CEO responds to sexism at The Olympics

The need for human skills extends beyond the business environment.

As we continue to witness the unfolding events at the Olympics, it’s clear that the challenges we face extend beyond the sports themselves.

More specifically, they serve as a reminder that sexism is very much alive and well. 

Following the scandal surrounding the conduct of a broadcaster with the Australian swimmers team, Annabelle Vultee , GoodHabitz CEO, shared the following:

"The Olympics just served us another stark reminder: gender bias is alive and kicking, even at the pinnacle of human achievement. This isn't just a sports problem, though. It's also a skills problem."

"In workplaces worldwide, we're seeing the same story play out. Brilliant minds are being undervalued, not because of their abilities, but because of persistent stereotypes. It's time we call this what it is: a waste of human potential."

"True equality starts with perspective and knowledge. It's about equipping everyone - regardless of gender - with the ability to recognise bias, the communication skills to challenge it, and the leadership abilities to create truly inclusive environments."

This serves as an important reminder that the training and development of human skills is vital, whether you're a team leader at a company, or a coach of a sports team. 

Because they can equip and empower ALL individuals to strive towards equality in all scenarios, from the office to the football field.

You can read a full article regarding Annabelle's response to The Olympics via this link:

Cameron Elliot

Country Director @ GoodHabitz - Making Employee Learning Fun!

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I’m a massive believer in marginal gains and I think it applies perfectly here. If we look at the problem as a whole it can be daunting. But if we look for the small improvements that we can make each day, have the mindset that we can make a difference then the cumulative effect is exponential.

In a progressive move, the CEO of Olympic Broadcasting Services, Yiannis Exarchos, has called for a change in the way women athletes are filmed, aiming to eliminate stereotypes and sexism from the coverage of the Paris Olympics. This initiative is a significant step towards promoting gender equality, ensuring that women are showcased as elite athletes, deserving the same respect and representation as their male counterparts. The decision to update filming guidelines and alter event schedules reflects a commitment to fairness and inclusivity. Such leadership not only addresses the unconscious bias that can permeate media portrayal but also sets a new standard for future sporting events. It's a move that resonates with the core Olympic values of respect, friendship, and excellence. Thank you very much for sharing.

Thank you for this article. Sexism at the Olympics is a serious issue that undermines the spirit of equality and respect that the Games stand for. It's essential to respond to such discrimination with empathy and action. If you witness or experience sexism, it's important to speak up. Address the behavior directly if it's safe to do so, and report it to the appropriate authorities. Support the affected individuals by listening to their experiences and standing in solidarity with them. Use your platform, whether it's social media or personal interactions, to raise awareness about the impact of sexism and advocate for change. Encourage inclusive language and challenge stereotypes that perpetuate gender biases. Remember, every voice counts in the fight against discrimination, and together, we can foster an environment where all athletes are valued for their talents and hard work.

Alexis Donney Lannan

Chief of Staff to CEO and Founder

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I couldn’t agree more. I have left jobs because bosses undervalued my abilities. Partly because they felt I couldn’t exceed my job description and partly because I am female with a family. It is truly a blessing when you find a company that allows you to shine to your fullest potential

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