From the course: Writing with Flair: How to Become an Exceptional Writer

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The beauty of clarity

The beauty of clarity

- In the simplicity section, you learned a bunch of tactics to help you write in a concise, no nonsense and non-cluttery way. That was the first step toward becoming an exceptional writer, learning all about simplicity. You saw how writing in a simple way helps readers to get your message with the least amount of friction, obstruction or resistance. That if you like is the beauty of simplicity that I was talking about. Now in this section, I'm going to introduce you to a second ingredient in the secret sauce. And that ingredient is clarity. I'm going to reveal to you the beauty of writing in a clear and a focused way. Now, I want you to understand that clarity is arguably the most fundamental of the four ingredients that I'm teaching you. Because unless your ideas are clear, there is really little point in trying to enhance them in other ways. Imagine you've written down a sentence that's not entirely clear. Now, if you start trying to dress the idea up by making it more punchy, more…
