From the course: Writing with Flair: How to Become an Exceptional Writer

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Elegant paragraphs

Elegant paragraphs

- Now, people sometimes wonder how do you decide how many sentences to have in a paragraph, and when to change from one paragraph to another. There isn't actually a fixed answer, it's really about what you prefer. But I want you to consider elegance as a key principle in your decisions about paragraphs. It's not the only consideration. You should think also about clarity, about how clear the information is as you're switching from paragraph to paragraph. You'll often change to a new one when it helps readers to follow your argument or your instructions or whatever it is that you're writing. Say you're writing a blog post explaining how to cook a lasagna. And there are various steps to cooking a lasagna, right? Those steps might form the blocks of ideas that you create for your narrative, right? You might decide to change paragraphs at each new step of the cooking process, which you would make the recipe easy to follow if you switch paragraph at each new step. Or if each step is really…
