From the course: Writing: The Craft of Story

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Story check: All protagonists have a goal

Story check: All protagonists have a goal

From the course: Writing: The Craft of Story

Story check: All protagonists have a goal

- Here are a few questions to help you make sure that your protagonist has a goal worthy of an entire story. First, ask yourself, what is my protagonist's external goal? What does he want more than anything? What's his reason for living? Everyone has an agenda, what's his? And remember, saying he wants $10 million isn't enough. It's general, and besides, who doesn't want $10 million? The point is, be specific. Second, what is my protagonist's internal goal? What will achieving his external goal mean to him? Why does he want it? What does he think getting it will say about him? How will that affect his self-image? And, as important, is he right? Third, do these goals force him to face a specific, long-standing problem or fear? What secret fear must he confront if he's going to have a shot at his goal? What hidden truth has he spent his whole life avoiding that he's now forced to look straight in the eye or give up and go home? Now that you…
