From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Taking the three-act structure to the next level

Taking the three-act structure to the next level

From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

Taking the three-act structure to the next level

(upbeat music) - There's something buried deep within our DNA as humans that makes us respond to certain storytelling elements told in a certain order. We've been responding to them since our primitive ancestors drew on walls and tribes told stories around campfires. The Save the Cat Method identifies that code, and turns it into an easy-to-follow blueprint for crafting a successful story, so that we writers don't have to reinvent a wheel that has been used since, well, the time the wheel was invented. We call that blueprint The Save the Cat Beat Sheet, and that beat sheet is going to take your novel writing and your plotting skills to a whole other level. That beat sheet is going to turn you into a structure master. As I said before, a beat is just a plot point. It's a marker in your story to keep you on the right path and make sure you're telling a story worth telling, a story that matters and that will resonate with readers. Think of writing a novel as taking a long cross-country…
