From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Final image: Exercise

Final image: Exercise

- Welcome to our final writer's room session. In this session, we'll be brainstorming our final image beats. Remember, these are the final after snapshots of our hero's life, after this epic transformation has turned them into a new and improved person. It's a single scene beat that is the final scene of your novel. And in this scene, we want to make sure that we're making it visual, that we're showing how the hero has changed from who they were at the beginning, and remember, if it's not a happy ending, we should still get the sense that someone has been changed or transformed by the story. Even if it's just the reader. So, my story does have a happy ending, and here's how I plan on finishing it out. I thought that it would be appropriate and fun to have my final image actually be one of Brooklyn's blog posts. So she's been doing this blog, this anonymous blog throughout the book, and this will her final post. In this blog post, she will catch up the readers on everything that's…
