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Debate: Examples

Debate: Examples

- [Instructor] Here are some stellar examples of heroes debating after their catalyst. In the movie Legally Blonde, the catalyst, as we talked about, was Warner dumping Elle. She soon after decides that she wants to go to Harvard Law School to try to win him back. But the question is, can she get in? The Debate Beat of this movie is, therefore, all about showing how Elle gets into Harvard Law School. From her hilarious admissions video to her studying for the LSATs to finally the admissions board admitting her. In the movie Midnight in Paris, the catalyst was Gil accidentally going back in time to the 1920s. Not a bad catalyst, seeing that Gil loves and is obsessed with the 20s. Therefore, the debate of the this movie is, Was it real? And if it was, how does it work? These are common debate questions for any story that deals with a hero who is touched by magic. The debate is often Was it real? Not surprisingly, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens has the same kind of touched by magic…
