From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Dark night of the soul: Exercise

Dark night of the soul: Exercise

- Okay, we're back in the writers room. This time, to brainstorm our Dark Night of the Soul. Which, you might remember, is the reaction beat to the All Is Lost. This is a multi-scene beat that goes from the 75 percent mark to the 80 percent mark of your novel. And it's the beat where the hero reacts to, or wallows after the All Is Lost. In this beat, we want to make sure we include the following. The hero, in some way, is reflecting on everything that's happened. Not just the All Is Lost, but everything that's happened in the whole book. The hero is, in some way, worse off than they were at the start of the novel. And the hero has some kind of epiphany or realization that will lead to the real change in the next beat. So, here's how I chose to take my character into the depths of their Dark Night of the Soul. Brooklyn, as you might remember, her All Is Lost was a huge fight with Brian. And he walks out of her life and Mrs. Moody has passed away. So, she reacts to this All Is Lost. The…
