From the course: Write a Bestselling Novel in 15 Steps

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Break into two: Exercise

Break into two: Exercise

- So are we ready to break our heroes into Act Two? That's we're going to do in this writers room session. They've had their catalyst. They've debated. And now it's time for them to act. The break into two, you'll remember, is a single scene beat that comes approximately 20% of the way through the novel, where the hero makes a decision and takes action. As we're brainstorming this beat, let's make sure that the hero is making a proactive decision to break into two. We're answering the question posed in the debate. For example, if the debate question was, what should I do now? The break into two is, I should do this. We're identifying how the hero is doing something new or going somewhere new. And we're introducing a brand new, upside down world that is very different from the status quo world. Also, we are going to have a hero who is motivated by what they want, their external goals, and not by what they need. That will come later. So our hero is fixing things the wrong way. We want…
