From the course: Vocal Production Techniques

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Connecting a microphone/playback

Connecting a microphone/playback

From the course: Vocal Production Techniques

Connecting a microphone/playback

- Once we've made our mic selection, we're gonna connect it to our audio interface. I wanna briefly describe how we get from mic to computer so we're clear on the signal flow of a vocal recording. Starting with the mic, all mics require a piece of gear called a preamp. The preamp's function is to take the mic's output, the electric signal coming down the mic cable, up to line level. Line level is the signal all studio audio gear needs to work properly including the interface connected to your computer. Now in my studio, this mic preamp is an external outboard piece of audio equipment. The mic signal goes in and there's a gain knob, basically a volume knob, and the output is line level ready to be received by the interface. Now keep in mind some audio interfaces have built-in mic pre's. So you'll connect your mic directly to the interface and you'll be able to set the input gain there. Once the line level audio hits your interface, whether you're using an outboard preamp or not, that's…
