From the course: Vocal Production Techniques: Editing and Mixing in Logic Pro

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Layering multiple vocal tracks together

Layering multiple vocal tracks together

- [Instructor] Vocal stacks are made of a lot of tracks which can sometimes be daunting to deal with in a mix. Let's work through some mixed techniques for backing vocal harmony stacks and I'll show you how to pan, control, and mix a large amount of layered vocal tracks into a song. Here, we have our harmony vocals which are recorded in the vocal recording techniques course. We've got actually 12 tracks, three harmonies, and four of each of those harmonies. The first thing you want to make sure of is that the files, each of these regions, are edited really clean unlike the lead vocal where we left some natural breaths. We don't want any breaths or noises other than the vocals themselves in all of these layered tracks. So all edits should be right up to the waveform. Another reason for editing so closely, is that for each of these takes, in this case, 12 total, headphones are being worn, so when you have 12 times even quiet headphone bleed in the mic, that can build up and show up in…
