From the course: Vocal Production Techniques: Editing and Mixing in Logic Pro

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Doubling vocals in post-production

Doubling vocals in post-production

- [Instructor] In the companion to this course, Vocal Production Techniques, we discussed the nuances of capturing a doubled vocal to add texture and vibe to the lead vocal. But what if you didn't record one and still want that texture? It turns out there's an easy way through editing to manufacture a doubled vocal part effectively so you can add some spice to your vocal sound. Here's how we can do that in Logic Pro X. Start by duplicating the part. So let's say I want to go ahead, and if I zoom in a little bit, I want to do a doubled vocal in the pre-chorus section. So what I want to do is make two additional tracks. I'll go up to Track, New Track, and we'll do two new audio tracks. Now I'm going to name these Doubled Left and Doubled Right. Now the first thing we need to do is actually physically double or duplicate the part into these tracks. Now I'm gonna go ahead and turn my Snap to Smart Snap so it doesn't move around in time as I move it. And then I can hold Option, Drag…
