From the course: Visio 2021 Essential Training (Office 2021/LTSC)

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Connect shapes manually

Connect shapes manually

- [Instructor] We know how fast and easy it is to connect shapes by creating new shapes from existing shapes. But there will be times when you've added shapes to your page that are not connected. You'll need to know how to connect them manually, which is what we're going to do in this movie with our R30 onboarding diagram. R30 onboarding 0204, if you're catching up. Here you can see we do have, for example, a data shape that is not connected to anything below. After this decision shape we do have a process that needs to come back to the decision. So, we do have a few manual connections to make, and to do that we need the connector tool. Click the home tab on the ribbon, and go to the tools group here, you'll see the connector tool. The keyboard shortcut is control 3, if you prefer that option. Go ahead and click it though. And now when you move your mouse pointer onto the page, you can see it looks different. Now has that…
