From the course: UX Foundations: Usability Testing

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Usability testing: Any team can do it

Usability testing: Any team can do it

From the course: UX Foundations: Usability Testing

Usability testing: Any team can do it

- Usability testing is a skill. Remaining neutral during a session is hard and only comes with practice. Making participants feel at ease requires that you feel relaxed yourself, and that can be hard when you're just starting out. However, the benefits of running usability sessions are so great that it's worth going through the learning curve. Development teams almost always have at least one team member with sufficient empathy to become a good session moderator. The main benefits of usability testing are to make the product work better for your target users and to improve their satisfaction so that existing customers use the product more and so that more new people start using it. However, there are other benefits to usability testing. It makes the whole team more aware of who their end users truly are. It gives them examples to using their conversations rather than just saying, "My mom could do it." Watching users…
