From the course: Using AI Imagery for Illustration and Design

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Writing prompts that work

Writing prompts that work

- [Instructor] Now let's dive a little bit deeper into prompting and try and come up with prompts that really work. Now, one of the most important things with prompt writing is that you kind of have to build good habits. You have to be organized. Now it's really easy to get lost when you're iterating prompts. You write something, maybe it doesn't work, so you try something else and the next thing you know you've all turned around and you're back where you started. So, I'd suggest developing a standard way of constructing prompts. This will keep you organized and will also make it easier for you to modify and adapt your prompts. I'd also suggest that you keep records. Write down effective prompts. If something works for you, keep track of it and keep it with the images that it created. And that way you can go back to those images and understand how they were created. So staying organized is actually a pretty good habit…
