From the course: Unreal: Blueprint

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- [Scott] So with this course, we've taken a solid look at blueprints, all the way from the very humble beginnings up through building some interactive systems and learning how to navigate around with controllers, how to control animations, and how to control all sorts of different states and variables that we can send around in different ways to create cool, interactive systems in Unreal using the Blueprint Visual Scripting language. Next up, I really recommend you continue your Unreal learning. There's a number of courses in the library to look at different aspects of Unreal in terms of lighting and materials, interactivity and VR. I'd recommend looking more into Substance Designer to get to learn how to make more interactive textures that you can work with in Unreal. Obviously, this is a very exciting realm. It's moving rapidly right now. And having a good sense of how to control all aspects of Unreal and being able to create interactive systems using Blueprints will really be…
