From the course: Unreal: Blueprint

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Game controller navigation, part 2

Game controller navigation, part 2 - Unreal Engine Tutorial

From the course: Unreal: Blueprint

Game controller navigation, part 2

- [Instructor] Now we're gonna take a look at how we can use the left thumb stick, X and Y and put to drive the locomotion of our custom blueprint character pawn, so I'm gonna open our BP_CHARACTER_01. Okay, and we can see that we just have the right thumb stick controlling the yaw and the right thumb stick Y controlling the pitch and now under our palette, let's type Gamepad again and now we wanna find the left thumb stick X axis as the left thumb stick Y axis. Okay. So, what we're gonna do here is these need to add movement to our pawn and there is a node to do that, so I'm gonna type Add Movement Input. Okay. There's a few other options you see because it can wire in the event of course and then we can wire in the axis value to the scale value but we also need a whirl direction because we need to know based on the movement of the X and the Y axis of our thumb stick which direction to move this pawn and there's some great stuff to sort of automatically get this vector for us because…
