From the course: Unreal: Blueprint

Create Blueprint

- [Instructor] Now we're gonna take a look at how we can actually create some blueprints in Unreal. There's a bunch of different ways to do this and there's all sorts of different kinds of blueprints that do specific things. We're gonna be focusing on sort of the narrow slice of the main nuts and bolts blueprint to really get to learn how we can start building stuff using these tools in Unreal. One way we can create a blueprint is in my content browser, I could right click and say under create basic asset blueprint class, and we get a window here that allows us to pick what kind of blueprint we want to make. At the top here, we have a bunch of buttons for all sort of the basic ones. You have a drop down menu here that gets us all these other way more specific ones which we won't be getting to in this course 'cause that's a very specific use case stuff. For the most part, we're gonna go common classes, click on actor, and there we go. It makes a new blueprint for us. We could also go under the blueprint menu. I'll go to the view port and you can see it says the same thing, create new empty blueprint classic, click on that, and it's another way to get to the same menu. I could click on actor and now it's gonna say where do you want this to go, and it's gonna wanna maybe automatically make this folder and name it and such. I'm gonna hit cancel there. That's just another way to make a basic blueprint. You also have the option here to open the level blueprint. Open that up and that's a special blueprint that's actually connected to the specific level. It's not sort of a separate asset that could be dropped in anywhere. We'll be using those later in the course to do some specific stuff, so I'm just gonna close that out. All right, so those are the different ways we actually can instantiate a blueprint using some different menus and mouse click options in Unreal.
