From the course: Unreal: Blueprint

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Components window

Components window

- [Instructor] Now we're gonna take a look at how we can build a Blueprint from scratch, and start adding components to that. So I'm gonna go into my 05_BP folder here, and let's make a new Blueprint. I'll right-click and say create a Blueprint class, create an actor. I'm gonna call this BP_GEO_01, 'cause what we're gonna do is we're just gonna add some static mesh geometry into this so that we can see how we can start building a custom asset within a Blueprint. So I'm gonna open that up. Okay, I'm gonna actually grab this and dock it here, so we can switch back easily, and here we go. We're in our empty Blueprints window. And in our previous video, we saw that custom text render component we'd added, and so now we're gonna add different kinds of components, over here. I'm gonna go add component, and go static mesh. I'm gonna call this ALTAR_01_01, because with that selected, you see in our details area over here, this looks like all of our static mesh details options, and one of the…
