From the course: Unreal: Blueprint

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Blueprint editor overview

Blueprint editor overview - Unreal Engine Tutorial

From the course: Unreal: Blueprint

Blueprint editor overview

- [Instructor] Now we're gonna take a look at the Blueprint editor window. So we're in our project here. We just have this simple setup scene so we can get an understanding of how we can tweak and work with Blueprints. And so, what we have here is we just have a static mesh, and then this text inside this box is actually a blueprint that's gonna be able to update that text. So if go to our Word Outliner, you can see we have this BP Example 01. If I click on that, you can see that selects the text. If I go back to my content browser under our 05 BP folder, you see we have this BP Example 01. So we're just gonna open this up. And I've already built a few things in here for you just so you can get a sense of what's going on. First off, what we've got, in the upper left-hand corner here is the components area. And that's all the different elements that are in the blueprint. Right now you can see I have this basic text render, which is something we could add that we can render and look at…
