From the course: Unreal: Blueprint

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Animation Blueprint event graph

Animation Blueprint event graph - Unreal Engine Tutorial

From the course: Unreal: Blueprint

Animation Blueprint event graph

- [Instructor] So now, what we wanna do is go back to our BP Animation 01. We're in our state machine, which again, is in our animation graph part of this. Close this Compile The Results window. And now we've set up our two different animation clips, and we're just gonna tweak those and also set these transition rules so that the state machine knows when to transition between different states. First off, I'm gonna open up the stasis clip here, and you can see that we actually now have this little timeline here of the actual animation clip playing back. I'm just gonna change the play rate to two. I'm gonna go back and under the active one, as well, I'm gonna select that and change the play rate to two. Just basically speeding this up. I just want the animation should be a little bit faster and to show you how we can do that. Okay, so now, I'll go back to our animation graph, go back to our state machine window. Now what we want do is we want to look at these rules, right? So we have…
