From the course: Unity Medical Visualization: 03 Deployment and Usability

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Creating an APK file

Creating an APK file

- [Instructor] In the previous movie, we created a slider object that was added to the interface that we can move up and down. Of course, right now, all it can do is move up and down, and what we want to do is connect it with our zoom functionality, so that as we move up on the slider we zoom in, and as we move down we zoom out. Well, let's see how to do that. I'm going to go back to our input access control script file, and I am going to scroll down to, or in fact I'm going to scroll up to this section here where I can choose the name space I want to use, and I'm going to be using the UnityEngine.UI section. I'm going to be adding a reference or a link to the SliderControl, and I'm going to call this SliderControl, and it's going to equal null initially. I'm going to scroll down here, and I'm going to create a completely new function which is going to be called UpdateSlider. I'm going to make sure that this is…
