From the course: Unity 3D: Lunchtime Lessons

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Post-processing volumes with HDRP

Post-processing volumes with HDRP - Unity 3D Tutorial

From the course: Unity 3D: Lunchtime Lessons

Post-processing volumes with HDRP

- [Instructor] Hi there. When working with the HDRP Render in Unity you want to familiarize yourself with volumes. Now, volumes are a great way to not only create sky and fog but also to post-process and affect the color and overall look of your scene. Now, this particular scene has a sky and fog volume already added, but we're going to add what's called a post-processing volume to allow you to further control the scene. Now, by default, when you create a blank scene in Unity, you may have a post-processing volume. But I'm going to create this one from scratch so you can understand how it works and how to create your own. Now, there's two ways to do this. I'm going to go through the longer way first so you can understand how this is built and then we'll use the easier way. So the first method of doing this is to simply create an empty object in your hierarchy, it's a game object. We can call this…
