From the course: Unity 3D: Lunchtime Lessons

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Maya to Unity Pipeline

Maya to Unity Pipeline

- Hi, I'm George Maystreet. Today, we're starting off in Maya because we're going to be going from Maya to Unity as seamlessly as possible. So, I have a Maya file open here, and as you can see, it's a car in kind of a plaza, and we want to export this scene into Unity. Now, before we do that, there are a few things we need to take care of just to make sure that things come across exactly the way that we want. The first thing we want to do is take a look at our units. So we go into Windows, Settings/Preferences, Preferences, go down to Settings, our working units should be meters. And that's because Unity works in meters and we want to make sure that our measurements all line up and things don't grow or shrink when we go into Unity. Now, next thing you want to do is just go ahead and check things such as geometry. You want to make sure that your geometry doesn't have any flip normals or anything like that, you want to…
