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Foliage with alpha clipping

Foliage with alpha clipping

- [Instructor] Hi, I'm George Maystreet. Today, we're going to look at foliage materials in Unity using HDRP and Alpha Clipping. So, here we have some objects that don't quite look like foliage. And that's because we're going to use a texture map to finish them, and that texture map can be found under Textures. And we have a couple here called Fern_A, this one, this one, and then a Fern_A_matte. Now, I'm going to show you these in Photoshop. The one we're going to use is called Fern_A.png. And this already has an alpha channel on it. And the reason we want something with an alpha channel is 'cause the alpha channel's actually going to clip out the edges. The alpha channel looks something like this, like the matte. And then, the original image looks something like this. So, I included those just so you can kind of see them in case you wanted to make your own image. So, I already have a material applied to these, and that's…

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