From the course: Unity 3D: Lunchtime Lessons

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Fabric material in Shader Graph

Fabric material in Shader Graph - Unity 3D Tutorial

From the course: Unity 3D: Lunchtime Lessons

Fabric material in Shader Graph

- [Instructor] Hi, I'm George Main street. Today we're going to take a look at shader graphs, and we're going to create a simple fabric material in unity. So here I have a chair and we're going to create some fabric for that. Now we're going to go ahead and author this in the TMP or the temp folder. Now in our exercise files, external assets folder, I have some PNG files, called RedCloth, base color, height, normal, and roughness. We may not use all of these, but let's go ahead and just drag these into the scene. So I have these now in my temp folder, and what we want to do is create a shader graph. Now if you've not used shaded graph before, we can go into our package manager, just make sure that it's turned on. So we search for shader graph, make sure that's checked and it's turned on. So once we have that, we can create what's called a shader graph. And we can do that by right clicking, create shader, go all…
