From the course: Unity 3D: Lunchtime Lessons

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Animate water materials with textures

Animate water materials with textures - Unity 3D Tutorial

From the course: Unity 3D: Lunchtime Lessons

Animate water materials with textures

- [George] Hi, I'm George Maestri. Today, we're going to take a look at how to do water effects in Unity using the shader graph. And right now we've got a little pool house here and I've got this plane here, which is going to be the water. Now, what we need to do is apply some textures and materials, and then we're going to animate those so it looks like the water is moving around. And then later on in a subsequent episode, we're going to add things such as ripples and so on. So for this one, we're going to focus mostly on the textures and how to animate them. So if we go into our Temp folder here, you'll see I have this one called Water Texture. Now, if I left-click and drag on that plane, you can kind of see how this works. It's kind of a water texture. Now I'm going to go ahead and undo that, because what we want to do is actually create a shader graph and use this. So by clicking and dragging, it also created…
