From the course: Unity 3D 2021 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] You now know the essentials of Unity, and you should be able to get to the next stage with your Unity project. The best way to enhance your Unity skills is to practice within another project, or improve upon the one we just created. There are also a few things you could do next to expand your knowledge even further. If you'd like to build your own models and textures, look into courses in our library related to Maya, ZBrush, Blender for 3D modeling, and the Substance suite of products for texturing. These will get you up and running with standard programs used in the industry. Also with Unity, you can build 2D games, VR, AR, and MR experiences, and so much more. Think about what type of projects you would like to build and search in our library for this subject with the keyword Unity, and you'll find some courses related to this. In addition, I recommend looking into Unity's own documentation. Finally, if…
