From the course: Unity 3D 2021 Essential Training

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Lightmap results and settings

Lightmap results and settings - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Unity 3D 2021 Essential Training

Lightmap results and settings

- [Lecturer] Light map settings allow to control the quality of the light map, Unity bakes into her seat. So let's explore the options of the light map. So, how do you show the lighting here? All you have to do, like I mentioned before, you go into window, rendering and then lighting, and it's going to show that window here. So, this is what it looks like. So, when you first start the lighting section, or when you opened up this menu, you're going to have lighting settings. So, you're going to have profiles that are already created for you. So, basically when you change the profiles, it's going to change all the options. And basically the way it works is if you select a draft, it's going to have very, very low settings for your scene. Then the same thing for medium. And then as you get into the high and ultra, that's where the settings are going to be pretty hot. Please be mindful that whenever you select one of the two…
