From the course: Unity 3D 2021 Essential Training

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Installing the post-processing stack

Installing the post-processing stack - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Unity 3D 2021 Essential Training

Installing the post-processing stack

- [Instructor] The post-processing stack was added in Unity to give developers the ability to create your bullae looks into Unity games and truly bring out the aesthetics of your games. In this chapter, we'll explore what are the tools available with the stack and use it to bring out the quality of our visuals. So let's start by installing and exploring the stack. But I also want to mention that things that I've done in between the last video and this one, because as you can see right now, the scene doesn't look remotely as the same as it was before we left. A couple of things that I've done is added a few volumes in here. So as you can see, we now have the same box volumes that we had before, but instead of having it just in this section, I basically increase the two including terror scene. So if I look at the gizmos and by the way I just drop that here and also drop the grid. So the grid you see on the floor, we actually…
