From the course: Unity 3D 2021 Essential Training

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Adding Reflection Probes

Adding Reflection Probes

- [Instructor] Reflection probes are a great tool for baking your lights to assist where you have reflection areas to when you want to make sure the reflections in the objects are captured properly with light baking. So let's take a look at this. So where you want to position your reflection probe is basically where you want to have reflections. So right now, where are we going to capture and bake information about reflections? So in this case, if we take a look at our scene, there's a couple of areas where there might be some reflection. So for example, the metal of the chairs right here, there's also the faucet right here and then probably the oven and obviously the windows. So what we want to do is add a reflection probe straight in the middle here so we capture the information for reflections that will be baked into the map. So let's go ahead and add this. So like the light probe group, the way we add a…
