From the course: Understanding the Architectural Design Process

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Project delivery methods

Project delivery methods

- A project delivery method is the format that is used to design and construct a building. There are three common methods. The first is the Design-Bid-Build. In this traditional project delivery method there are three distinct phases that follow a defined sequence. It starts with designing the building. It is followed by competitively bidding the project and once the project is awarded, actual building takes place. In Design-Bid-Build, there is no overlap between the architect and the contractor and there is a clear separation between design and construction. While it is straightforward and does not pose any organizational complexities, Design-Bid-Build does not allow for contractor involvement early on in the process that would provide valuable budget and constructability input. By the time a project is completely designed, it might be over budget and will require significant redesign and delays. Another very common project delivery method is Design-Build. The architect and…
