From the course: Typography: Color Contrast and Scale

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Creative challenge: Solutions

Creative challenge: Solutions

The creative challenge I gave you, was to design a travel poster using the full frame of the image in the document I provided in the exercise files. You are also instructed to use all of the text in the Word Document, which was also in the exercise files. So how did you do? Did you situate the text in such a way that you did not block the power of the image? Does your text pop on the image? Are the text and the image working hand and hand? Let me share my 20 minute solution with you. The first thing I had to think about was the placement of the text on the image. This image has a lot of depth and a vista, as well as some close up features like the tree at the right, and the rock formation to the left. I didn't want to cover the vista, that's the whole point of the image. And the tree to the right is a beautiful intricate shape. I didn't want to cover over that either. That left me one option in terms of positioning my text over the rock formation on the left. I wanted to preserve the…
